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A deep learning-based approach for detecting plant organs from digitized herbarium specimen images00.342022
Deep learning based approach for digitized herbarium specimen segmentation00.342022
PhenoDeep - A Deep Learning-Based Approach for Detecting Reproductive Organs from Digitized Herbarium Specimen Images.00.342021
Deep Leaf: Mask R-Cnn Based Leaf Detection And Segmentation From Digitized Herbarium Specimen Images00.342021
A deep learning-based approach for segmenting and counting reproductive organs from digitized herbarium specimen images using refined Mask Scoring R-CNN.00.342021
Spoken keyword search system using improved ASR engine and novel template-based keyword scoring.00.342019
Deep Bayesian network architecture for Big Data mining.00.342019
Automated Drowsiness Detection Through Facial Features Analysis00.342019
A novel keyword rescoring method for improved spoken keyword spotting.00.342018
Improving Of Open-Set Language Identification By Using Deep Svm And Thresholding Functions00.342017
Performance Analysis Of Simulated Annealing Cooling Schedules In The Context Of Dense Image Matching00.342017
Content Video Browsing Based On Text Regions Extraction And Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network00.342017
Improving speech recognition using data augmentation and acoustic model fusion.60.732017
Deep multilayer multiple kernel learning30.372016
Navigating News Programs in Large TV-Streams: A Knowledge-Based Approach.00.342016
A Bayesian approach to construct Context-Specific Gene Ontology: Application to protein function prediction00.342016
Yawning detection by the analysis of variational descriptor for monitoring driver drowsiness00.342016
A New Approach For Hand Gestures Recognition Based on Depth Map Captured by RGB-D Camera.00.342016
An adaptive approach for lip-reading using image and depth data60.492016
Automatic topics segmentation for TV news video using prior knowledge20.382016
Spatio-temporal features for the automatic control of driver drowsiness state and lack of concentration70.472015
A study of Impact of Integration Structural Context in Multimedia Retrieval: Application on Image Media.00.342015
Unified System for Visual Speech Recognition and Speaker Identification.50.532015
Human Machine Interaction via Visual Speech Spotting.30.502015
Image retrieval based on structural and textual context.00.342015
A New Equilibrium Criterion for Learning the Cardinality of Latent Variables10.352015
Deep architecture using Multi-Kernel Learning and multi-classifier methods00.342015
Multimedia Retrieval based on Geometric Distance in Semi-structured Document.10.632014
Lip tracking using particle filter and geometric model for visual speech recognition00.342014
A Visual Search of Multimedia Documents in ImageCLEF 2014.00.342014
Face Pose Tracking Under Arbitrary Illumination Changes30.462014
A New Visual Speech Recognition Approach For Rgb-D Cameras50.692014
Automatic video scene segmentation based on spatial-temporal clues and rhythm.00.342014
Combination of Textual and Structural Context for Retrieving Multimedia Elements00.342014
A Blinking Measurement Method for Driver Drowsiness Detection.40.502013
AViTExt: Automatic Video Text Extraction; A new Approach for video content indexing Application00.342013
A Visual Grammar Approach for TV Program Identification00.342013
Vision Based Approach for Driver Drowsiness Detection Based on 3D Head Orientation.50.512013
3D Face Pose Tracking using Low Quality Depth Cameras.70.432013
From the ICWIT'2013 Chairs.00.342013
Lip Localization and Viseme Classification for Visual Speech Recognition80.662013
Drowsiness Detection based on Video Analysis Approach.50.582013
Content-Based Video Browsing by Text Region Localization and Classification00.342013
A PCA and Statistic based Approach for Modeling Contextual and Operational TV News Characteristics.00.342013
Hypovigilance Detection Based on Eyelids Behavior Study.20.402013
A video grammar-based approach for TV news localization and intra-structure identification in TV streams00.342011
A spatiotemporal text localization and identification approach for content-based video browsing00.342009
A new approach for digit recognition based on hand gesture analysis30.422009
A collaborative distributed video indexing00.342009
A new approach for TV program identification based on video grammar20.392009
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