Univ British Columbia, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9, Canada
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CoinLayering: An Efficient Coin Mixing Scheme for Large Scale Bitcoin Transactions00.342022
Hash-balanced binary tree-based public auditing in vehicular edge computing and networks00.342022
A Secure Spectrum Auction Scheme Without The Trusted Party Based On The Smart Contract00.342021
Security Analysis Of A Lightweight Identity-Based Two-Party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol For Iiot Environments10.352021
Opcode sequence analysis of Android malware by a convolutional neural network10.362020
Privacy-preserving Distributed Data Fusion Based on Attribute Protection10.342019
Demand-Response-Based Distributed Preventive Control to Improve Short-Term Voltage Stability.00.342018
A Privacy-Preserving, Decentralized and Functional Bitcoin E-Voting Protocol00.342018
A novel valuation pruning optimization fuzzing test model based on mutation tree for industrial control systems.00.342018
Lockcoin: a secure and privacy-preserving mix service for bitcoin anonymity.00.342018
IoTChain: A Three-Tier Blockchain-based IoT Security Architecture.00.342018
DMRS: an efficient dynamic multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data.70.512017
Real-Time Energy Management In Microgrids110.612017
Community-Level Geothermal Heat Pump System Management Via An Aggregation-Disaggregation Framework00.342017
A Verifiable Sealed-Bid Multi-Qualitative-Attribute Based Auction Scheme in the Semi-Honest Model.00.342017
Decentralized and Distributed Temperature Control via HVAC Systems in Energy Efficient Buildings.10.362017
A privacy-preserving degree-matching multi-attribute auction scheme in smart grid auction market.00.342017
Distributed Temperature Control Via Geothermal Heat Pump Systems In Energy Efficient Buildings00.342017
Physics-Integrated Hierarchical/Distributed Hvac Optimization For Multiple Buildings With Robustness Against Time Delays00.342017
Decentralized Temperature Control Via Hvac Systems In Energy Efficient Buildings: An Approximate Solution Procedure00.342016
Entry and exit of service providers under cost uncertainty: a real options approach.10.352016
A Secure Reverse Multi-Attribute First-Price E-Auction Mechanism Using Multiple Auctioneer Servers (Work in Progress).00.342016
Integration of IEC 61850 into a Vehicle-to-Grid system with networked electric vehicles00.342015
On the security of a certificateless online/offline signcryption for Internet of Things70.562015
Performance optimization of the echo state network for time series prediction and spoken digit recognition00.342015
Distributed Optimal Energy Management in Microgrids231.312015
Cryptanalysis and improvement of a certificateless signcryption scheme without bilinear pairing110.632014
Cryptanalysis and improvement of a DoS-resistant ID-based password authentication scheme without using smart card00.342014
Optimal Residential Demand Response in Distribution Networks241.292014
A distributed optimal energy management strategy for microgrids20.442014
Evaluating microgrid management and control with an implementable energy management system40.522014
A single-station location method based on long baseline interferometer00.342014
Product Remanufacturing: A Real Options Approach60.572014
Chaos characteristics analysis of transient signals for phase-locked synthesizer based FHC system00.342014
Optimal power allocation for heterogeneous data traffic in NAF relay-assisted uplink transmission00.342014
On the security of an authentication scheme for multi-server architecture40.392013
A New User Authentication Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks Using Elliptic Curves Cryptography481.342013
An Energy-Efficient k-connected Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.00.342011
MDS-Based Localization Algorithm for RFID Systems81.192011
A Two-Phase Algorithm for Locating Sensors in Irregular Areas00.342010
Efficient Password-Proven Key Exchange Protocol against Relay Attack on Ad Hoc Networks00.342010
An Improved Fuzzy Identity-Based Encryption Scheme With Constant Size Ciphertext20.372010
Energy-Efficient Location-Independent k -connected Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks.10.392008
Policy Negotiation System Architecture for Privacy Protection50.602008
A provable secure authentication protocol given forward secure session key30.412008
Short wavelength infrared images for indigenous coke-making sites monitoring in China00.342005