Lund Univeristy, Lund, Sweden
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High-Level Synthesis00.342019
Constraint Programming in Embedded Systems Design: Considered Helpful00.342019
Application-set driven exploration for custom processor architectures00.342015
A Comparative Study of Scheduling Techniques for Multimedia Applications on SIMD Pipelines.10.372015
Programming support for reconfigurable custom vector architectures20.382015
Mapping streaming applications on multiprocessors with time-division-multiplexed network-on-chip.50.442014
Instruction selection and scheduling for DSP kernels.10.372014
Instruction Selection and Scheduling for DSP Kernels on Custom Architectures50.402013
Design space exploration for streaming applications on multiprocessors with guaranteed service NoC30.432013
Scheduling, Binding and Routing System for a Run-Time Reconfigurable Operator Based Multimedia Architecture20.402012
Constraint Programming Approach to Reconfigurable Processor Extension Generation and Application Compilation140.652012
Partitioning and mapping dynamic dataflow programs20.372012
Distributed constraint programming with agents10.362011
Combined scheduling and instruction selection for processors with reconfigurable cell fabric30.382010
Architecture-Driven Synthesis of Reconfigurable Cells80.522009
Constraint-Driven Identification of Application Specific Instructions in the DURASE System80.512009
How Constrains Programming Can Help You in the Generation of Optimized Application Specific Reconfigurable Processor Extensions10.352009
Automatic design of application-specific reconfigurable processor extensions with UPaK synthesis kernel80.502009
Parallel Consistency in Constraint Programming30.402009
Constraint-Driven Instructions Selection and Application Scheduling in the DURASE system80.462009
Design Space Exploration For Optimal Memory Mapping Of Data And Instructions In Multimedia Applications To Scratch-Pad Memories00.342009
Load-Balancing Methods For Parallel And Distributed Constraint Solving110.612008
Optimization of Routing and Reconfiguration Overhead in Programmable Processor Array Architectures10.372008
Automatic selection of application-specific reconfigurable processor extensions160.812008
Area And Reconfiguration Time Minimization Of The Communication Network In Regular 2d Reconfigurable Architectures00.342008
Communication Network Reconfiguration Overhead Optimization in Programmable Processor Array Architectures00.342008
Computation Patterns Identification for Instruction Set Extensions Implemented as Reconfigurable Hardware30.442007
A CP-LP approach to network management in OSPF routing30.462007
Identification of Application Specific Instructions Based on Sub-Graph Isomorphism Constraints120.642007
Graph Matching Constraints for Synthesis with Complex Components40.432007
A new necessary condition for shortest path routing00.342007
Memory architecture evaluation for video encoding on enhanced embedded processors30.412006
A Constraints Programming Approach for Fabric Cell Synthesis50.602005
Implementation aspects of a novel speech packet loss concealment method10.462005
Java to Hardware Compilation for non Data Flow Applications40.502005
A constraints programming approach to communication scheduling on SoPC architectures10.392004
Time-energy design space exploration for multi-layer memory architectures181.822004
Data assignment and access scheduling exploration for multi-layer memory architectures00.342004
Evaluation of SIMD Architecture Enhancement in Embedded Processors for MPEG-490.582004
Distinguished Paper: Automatic Local Memory Architecture Generation for Data Reuse in Custom Data Paths00.342004
Global approach to assignment and scheduling of complex behaviors based on HCDG and constraint programming180.672003
Uncertainty-based scheduling: energy-efficient ordering for tasks with variable execution time120.822003
Constraints-driven scheduling and resource assignment863.362003
Integrating a Computational Model and a Run Time System for Image Processing on a UAV00.342002
LEneS: task scheduling for low-energy systems using variable supply voltage processors1287.782001
Constraints-driven design space exploration for distributed embedded systems100.592001
A constructive algorithm for memory-aware task assignment and scheduling180.992001
Synthesis of Conditional Behaviors Using Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graphs and Constraint Logic Programming20.482001
The WITAS Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Project486.942000
Performance oriented partitioning for time-multiplexed FPGA's20.432000
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