Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE), Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
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Tackling Consistency-related Design Challenges of Distributed Data-Intensive Systems: An Action Research Study00.342021
Supporting rapid product changes through emotional tracking20.472019
Don't Worry, Be Happy – Exploring Users' Emotions During App Usage for Requirements Engineering00.342019
On the Road to Enriching the App Improvement Process with Emotions00.342019
Detecting User Emotions with the True-Depth Camera to Support Mobile App Quality Assurance00.342019
Acceptance testing of mobile applications: automated emotion tracking for large user groups.30.472018
Using Scenario-Based Reading for Testing Mobile Applications with FIT4Apps00.342018
Towards a Digital Ecosystem for Rural Areas: Experiences from Three Years of Development.00.342018
Guiding Quality Assurance for Mobile Applications with FIT4Apps — A Two-Step Evaluation10.402017
From Agile Development to DevOps: Going Towards Faster Releases at High Quality - Experiences from an Industrial Context.10.372017
Mobile App Testing? Nutzerfeedback automatisiert miteinbeziehen.00.342017
Towards Automated Capturing and Processing of User Feedback for Optimizing Mobile Apps.20.442017
Automation Support for Mobile App Quality Assurance - A Tool Landscape.20.392017
An Automated Feedback-Based Approach to Support Mobile App Development50.692017
Test Automation: Not Just for Test Execution60.622017
Optimization of mobile applications through a feedback-based quality assurance approach.00.342016
Quality assurance of mobile applications: a systematic mapping study.00.342016
Mobile Application Quality Assurance: Reading Scenarios as Inspection and Testing Support20.562016
Towards a Perspective-Based Usage of Mobile Failure Patterns to Focus Quality Assurance.10.362015
Nutzung von Architekturinformationen zur Beherrschung der Komplexität im Software-Integrationstest.00.342015
Focusing Testing By Using Inspection And Product Metrics10.362014
An Integrated Analysis and Testing Methodology to Support Model-Based Quality Assurance.10.442014
Analyzing the relationships between inspections and testing to provide a software testing focus.40.802014
Predicting Defect Content and Quality Assurance Effectiveness by Combining Expert Judgment and Defect Data - A Case Study50.492014
A Mobile-Specific Failure Classification and Its Usage to Focus Quality Assurance50.762014
Integrating inspection and test processes based on context-specific assumptions20.362014
Optimizing Quality Assurance Strategies through an Integrated Quality Assurance Approach -- Guiding Quality Assurance with Assumptions and Selection Rules10.352014
Transparent combination of expert and measurement data for defect prediction: an industrial case study80.462014
Using Early Quality Assurance Metrics to Focus Testing Activities.00.342013
Analysis and testing of matlab simulink models: a systematic mapping study60.602013
The Relevance of Assumptions and Context Factors for the Integration of Inspections and Testing20.422013
From Assumptions to Context-Specific Knowledge in the Area of Combined Static and Dynamic Quality Assurance00.342012
A systematic mapping study on the combination of static and dynamic quality assurance techniques220.972012
Inspection and Test Process Integration Based on Explicit Test Prioritization Strategies.30.392012
Reducing test effort: A systematic mapping study on existing approaches230.922012
Guiding Testing Activities by Predicting Defect-Prone Parts Using Product and Inspection Metrics50.432012
Optimizing cost and quality by integrating inspection and test processes120.872011
Software Process Improvement Initiatives Based on Quality Assurance Strategies: A QATAM Pilot Application.00.342010
Support planning and controlling of early quality assurance by combining expert judgment and defect data—a case study120.652010
Systematic Construction of Goal Indicator Trees for Indicator-Based Dependability Inspections10.352010
Indicator-Based Inspections: A Risk-Oriented Quality Assurance Approach for Dependable Systems20.502010
A Framework for the Balanced Optimization of Quality Assurance Strategies Focusing on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises10.352009
Managing software quality through a hybrid defect content and effectiveness model40.462008
Unifying Inspection Processes to Create a Framework to Support Static Quality Assurance Planning10.352007