Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
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Analysis and Applications of Complex Social Networks 201800.342019
Probing Limits Of Information Spread With Sequential Seeding10.352018
Overlapping community detection using superior seed set selection in social networks.00.342018
Quantifying layer similarity in multiplex networks: a systematic study.20.452017
eSource for clinical trials: Implementation and evaluation of a standards-based approach in a real world trial.10.362017
Do we really need to catch them all? A new User-guided Social Media Crawling method.10.352017
Increasing Coverage of Information Diffusion Processes by Reducing the Number of Initial Seeds.00.342017
Seed Selection for Information Cascade in Multilayer Networks.00.342017
Analysis and Applications of Complex Social Networks.20.452017
Analysis Of Group Evolution Prediction In Complex Networks00.342017
Seeds Buffering for Information Spreading Processes.20.372017
A picture is worth a thousand words: an empirical study on the influence of content visibility on diffusion processes within a virtual world.30.402016
TRANSFoRm eHealth Solution for Quality of Life Monitoring.00.342016
Predicting User Participation in Social Media.20.402016
Community Evolution.00.342016
A Method for Group Extraction and Analysis in Multilayer Social Networks.00.342016
Finding Influential Users in Social Media Using Association Rule Learning.140.782016
Evaluation of TRANSFoRm Mobile eHealth Solution for Remote Patient Monitoring during Clinical Trials.30.402016
Sequential Seeding in Complex Networks: Trading Speed for Coverage.00.342016
Transform: Implementing a Learning Healthcare System in Europe through Embedding Clinical Research into Clinical Practice00.342015
Mobile eHealth solution (ePRO)00.342015
Social Network Analysis in Applications.00.342015
Adaptive Survey Design Using Structural Characteristics of the Social Network.00.342015
Knowledge acquisition from social platforms based on network distributions fitting.40.452015
Predicting Community Evolution in Social Networks.90.562015
Knowledge workers’ collaborative learning behavior modeling in an organizational social network40.532015
Seed Selection for Spread of Influence in Social Networks: Temporal vs. Static Approach.170.782014
The same network - different communities? The multidimensional study of groups in the cyberspace.10.382014
Competence region modelling in relational classification00.342013
Influence Of The User Importance Measure On The Group Evolution Discovery00.342013
GED: the method for group evolution discovery in social networks551.932013
Different approaches to community evolution prediction in blogosphere150.782013
Key User Extraction Based on Telecommunication Data (aka. Key Users in Social Network. How to find them?)20.372013
Multi-layered Social Networks20.362012
Analysis Of Neighbourhoods In Multi-Layered Dynamic Social Networks220.862012
Key Person Analysis in Social Communities within the Blogosphere.120.712012
A degree centrality in multi-layered social network140.742012
Predicting group evolution in the social network90.542012
SocLaKE: Social Latent Knowledge Explorator.40.412012
Tracking group evolution in social networks10.432011
Evaluation of Organization Structure Based on Email Interactions50.532011
An Introduction to Community Detection in Multi-layered Social Network70.632011
Modelling social network evolution20.402011
Multidimensional social network: model and analysis160.912011
Ask friends for help: a collaborative query answering system10.362011
A Method for Group Extraction in Complex Social Networks.100.992010
Recommendation boosted query propagation in the social network20.402010
How to Analyze Company Using Social Network?20.512010
User position measures in social networks381.562009
Molecular dynamics modelling of the temporal changes in complex networks80.652009
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