Sharif Univ Technol, Dept Comp Engn, Tehran, Iran
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HFOS $$_L$$ L : hyper scale fast optical switch-based data center network with L-level sub-network00.342022
Tolerating Permanent Faults With Low-Energy Overhead in Multicore Mixed-Criticality Systems10.352022
A Survey of Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Embedded Systems From the Perspective of Power, Energy, and Thermal Issues00.342022
TherMa-MiCs: Thermal-Aware Scheduling for Fault-Tolerant Mixed-Criticality Systems00.342022
Enhancing Reliability of Emerging Memory Technology for Machine Learning Accelerators00.342021
Reliable and Energy Efficient MLC STT-RAM Buffer for CNN Accelerators00.342020
Partition Pruning: Parallelization-Aware Pruning for Deep Neural Networks.00.342019
Low-overhead thermally resilient optical network-on-chip architecture10.362019
PyCM: Multiclass confusion matrix library in Python.00.342018
SPONGE: A Scalable Pivot-based On/Off Gating Engine for Reducing Static Power in NoC Routers10.342018
DuCNoC: A High-Throughput FPGA-Based NoC Simulator Using Dual-Clock Lightweight Router Micro-Architecture.40.432018
SMART: A scalable mapping and routing technique for power-gating in NoC routers10.352017
Heterogeneous redundancy to address performance and cost in multi-core SIMT: work-in-progress00.342017
Thermal and power aware task mapping on 3D Network on Chip50.442016
AdapNoC: A fast and flexible FPGA-based NoC simulator50.432016
Impact of on-chip power distribution on Temperature-Induced Faults in Optical NoCs00.342016
TooT: an efficient and scalable power-gating method for NoC routers90.472016
A Fault Tolerant Parallelism Approach for Implementing High-Throughput Pipelined Advanced Encryption Standard.20.402016
Power-efficient prefetching on GPGPUs20.362015
Application-based dynamic reconfiguration in optical network-on-chip.20.362015
Cluster-based approach for improving graphics processing unit performance by inter streaming multiprocessors locality30.392015
All-Optical Wavelength-Routed Architecture for a Power-Efficient Network on Chip110.612014
Towards a scalable, low-power all-optical architecture for networks-on-chip50.412014
QuT: A low-power optical Network-on-Chip110.512014
Temperature control in three-network on chips using task migration.10.372013
ONC3: All-Optical NoC Based on Cube-Connected Cycles with Quasi-DOR Algorithm20.402012
Scalable architecture for a contention-free optical network on-chip20.382012
Throughput enhancement for repetitive internal cores in latency-insensitive systems00.342012
Power-efficient deterministic and adaptive routing in torus networks-on-chip50.432012
Hierarchical opto-electrical on-chip network for future multiprocessor architectures10.352011
GPH: A group-based partitioning scheme for reducing total power consumption of parallel buses00.342011
An Optical Wavelength Switching Architecture for a High-Performance Low-Power Photonic NoC40.452011
Power efficient nanophotonic on-chip network for future large scale multiprocessor architectures20.372011
All-optical wavelength-routed noc based on a novel hierarchical topology261.032011
Efficient periodic clock calculus in latency-insensitive design10.372011
A Low Cost circuit level fault detection technique to Full Adder design.20.372011
Scalable Architecture for Wavelength-Switched Optical NoC with Multicasting Capability10.372010
Low Power Encoding in NoCs Based on Coupling Transition Avoidance30.392009
Contention-free on-chip routing of optical packets140.822009
System-Level Assertion-Based Performance Verification for Embedded Systems00.342008
Integration of System-Level IP Cores in Object-Oriented Design Methodologies00.342008
Polymorphism-Aware Common Bus in an Object-Oriented ASIP00.342008
An Adaptive Approach to Manage the Number of Virtual Channels10.362008
High-Level Modeling Approach for Analyzing the Effects of Traffic Models on Power and Throughput in Mesh-Based NoCs80.602008
A Framework for Object-Oriented Embedded System Development Based on OO-ASIPs10.362008
A Novel Partitioned Encoding Scheme for Reducing Total Power Consumption of Parallel Bus00.342008
Energy analysis of re-injection based deadlock recovery routing algorithms00.342008
The ODYSSEY approach to early simulation-based equivalence checking at ESL level using automatically generated executable transaction-level model10.362008
An On-Line BIST Technique for Stuck-Open Fault Detection in CMOS Circuits10.352007
Empirical Analysis of the Dependence of Test Power, Delay, Energy and Fault Coverage on the Architecture of LFSR-Based TPGs00.342007
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