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Identification of tweets that mention books00.342020
How Web Document Design Affects Reading Process in L2 Reading: In a Case of Japanese Administrative Documents00.342020
The Effect of Document Structure on Non-Native Readers in Web Document Reading for Information Acquisition.00.342020
An Examination of the Validity of General Word Embedding Models for Processing Japanese Legal Texts.00.342019
Translating Terminologies: A Comparative Examination of NMT and PBSMT Systems.00.342019
Entropic characterisation of termino-conceptual structure - A preliminary study.00.342019
Measuring Discourse Scale Of Tweet Sequences: A Case Study Of Japanese Twitter Accounts00.342017
Evaluating the Usability of a Controlled Language Authoring Assistant00.342017
Twitter Content Eliciting User Engagement: A Case Study on Australian Organisations.00.342017
'Fighting' or 'Conflict'? An Approach to Revealing Concepts of Terms in Political Discourse.00.342017
A Bootstrap Method for Automatic Rule Acquisition on Emotion Cause Extraction00.342017
Consistent Classification of Translation Revisions: A Case Study of English-Japanese Student Translations.00.342017
Development of a Reading Skill Test to Measure Basic Language Skills00.342016
MuTUAL: A Controlled Authoring Support System Enabling Contextual Machine Translation.00.342016
Japanese controlled language rules to improve machine translatability of municipal documents.00.342015
MNH-TT: A Platform to Support Collaborative Translator Training00.342015
Identification of Tweets that Mention Books: An Experimental Comparison of Machine Learning Methods.00.342015
Acquiring distributed representations for verb-object pairs by using word2vec.10.352015
Terminology-driven Augmentation of Bilingual Terminologies.00.342013
Co-occurrence-based indicators for authorship analysis.00.342012
Readability and Translatability Judgments for 'Controlled Japanese'00.342012
Building Translation Awareness in Occasional Authors - A User Case from Japan.00.342012
QRpac: User-Driven Archiving of Parallel and Comparable Documents from the Web.00.342012
Helping Volunteer Translators, Fostering Language Resources00.342010
Being Theoretical is Being Practical: Multiword Units and Terminological Structure Revitalised00.342010
Community-based Construction of Draft and Final Translation Corpus Through a Translation Hosting Site Minna no Hon'yaku (MNH)10.362010
Brains, not brawn: The use of “smart” comparable corpora in bilingual terminology mining30.512010
QRpotato: a system that exhaustively collects bilingual technical term pairs from the web00.342009
Hosting Volunteer Translators.10.382009
Anchor Points for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Small Comparable Corpora.100.662009
Building specialized multilingual lexical graphs using community resources00.342009
Pattern Based Term Extraction Using ACABIT System00.342009
What Prompts Translators to Modify Draft Translations? An Analysis of Basic Modification Patterns for Use in the Automatic Notification of Awkwardly Translated Text.00.342008
Stylistic analysis of Japanese prime ministers' diet addresses10.402008
Translating the DEMGOL etymological dictionary of Greek Mythology with the BEYTrans wiki00.342008
Constructing a Corpus that Indicates Patterns of Modification between Draft and Final Translations by Human Translators00.342008
Flexible automatic look-up of English idiom entries in dictionaries.00.342007
Bilingual Terminology Mining - Using Brain, not brawn comparable corpora521.892007
Virtual relevant documents in text categorization with support vector machines100.592007
A translation aid system with a stratified lookup interface10.372007
QRselect: a user-driven system for collecting translation document pairs from the web10.392007
Automatic generation of Japanese–English bilingual thesauri based on bilingual corpora60.682006
A Self-Referring Quantitative Evaluation of the ATR Basic Travel Expression Corpus (BTEC)00.342006
Data Management in QRLex, an Online Aid System for Volunteer Translators10.372006
Korean-Japanese story link detection based on distributional and contrastive properties of event terms30.442006
A Framework For Data Management For The Online Volunteer Translators' Aid System Qrlex30.592005
Implicit ambiguity resolution using incremental clustering in cross-language information retrieval50.542004
Multilingual story link detection based on event term weighting on times and multilingual spaces00.342004
Comparative analysis of coauthorship networks of different domains: The growth and change of networks201.092004
Calculating association between technical terms based on co-occurrences in keyword lists of academic papers20.442003
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