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Cross-Modal Object Detection Based on a Knowledge Update00.342022
Efficient Provision of Service Function Chains in Overlay Networks Using Reinforcement Learning10.372022
Two-Stage Intelligent Model for Detecting Malicious DDoS Behavior00.342022
A Blockchain-Based User Identity Authentication Method for 5G00.342021
A Credible Information Fusion Method Based on Cascaded Topology Interactive Traceability00.342021
Cyber-Attack Behavior Knowledge Graph Based on CAPEC and CWE Towards 6G00.342021
An intelligent collaborative inference approach of service partitioning and task offloading for deep learning based service in mobile edge computing networks10.352021
Adaptive service function chaining mappings in 5G using deep Q-learning.20.372020
Elastic Resilience for Software-Defined Satellite Networking: Challenges, Solutions, and Open Issues00.342020
CSKB - A Cyber Security Knowledge Base Based on Knowledge Graph.00.342020
An Intelligent Adaptive Algorithm for Servers Balancing and Tasks Scheduling over Mobile Fog Computing Networks00.342020
Theoretical Analysis on Edge Computation Offloading Policies for IoT Devices50.402019
Deep Learning Based Intelligent Congestion Control For Space Network00.342019
CA-CWA: Channel-Aware Contention Window Adaption in IEEE 802.11ah for Soft Real-Time Industrial Applications.00.342019
Enabling Efficient Service Function Chains at Terrestrial-Satellite Hybrid Cloud Networks20.372019
Intelligent Rapid Adaptive Offloading Algorithm for Computational Services in Dynamic Internet of Things System.10.362019
A Routing Optimization Method for Software-Defined SGIN Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning00.342019
DCTG : Degree Constrained Topology Generation Algorithm for Software-defined Satellite Network.00.342019
Adopting IEEE 802.11 MAC for Industrial Delay-Sensitive Wireless Control and Monitoring Applications: A Survey00.342019
Automatic Selection of Security Service Function Chaining Using Reinforcement Learning00.342018
SERvICE: A Software Defined Framework for Integrated Space-Terrestrial Satellite Communication.120.552018
Context-Aware Service Function Chaining and Its Cost-Effective Orchestration in Multi-Domain Networks.10.352018
A Performance Analysis Model of TCP over Multiple Heterogeneous Paths for 5G Mobile Services.00.342018
PoTiA: A Popularity and Timeout Analysis Based SDN Controller Protection Approach.00.342018
Mot: A Compatible Transport Mechanism Of Mobile Edge Computing And Conventional Traffic00.342018
Towards Traffic-Driven VNF Scaling: A Preliminary Case Study based on Container.00.342018
Efficient Mappings of Service Function Chains at Terrestrial-Satellite Hybrid Cloud Networks.10.342018
Det-LB: A Load Balancing Approach in 802.11 Wireless Networks for Industrial Soft Real-Time Applications.00.342018
R2T: A Rapid and Reliable Hop-by-Hop Transport Mechanism for Information-Centric Networking.00.342018
SAT-FLOW: Multi-Strategy Flow Table Management for Software Defined Satellite Networks.50.402017
HCaching: High-Speed Caching for Information-Centric Networking.10.362017
Traffic Aware Inter-Layer Contact Selection for Multi-Layer Satellite Terrestrial Network.00.342017
A Transmission Mechanism of the Backup for Disaster Recovery in DCNs00.342017
Application-aware and Dynamic Security Function Chaining for Mobile Networks.10.362017
Det-WiFi: A Multihop TDMA MAC Implementation for Industrial Deterministic Applications Based on Commodity 802.11 Hardware.10.352017
Contact Quality Aware Routing for Satellite-Terrestrial Delay Tolerant Network.00.342017
Modeling Software Defined Satellite Networks Using Queueing Theory10.362017
A Performance Analysis Model for TCP over Multiple Heterogeneous Paths in 5G Networks.00.342017
Fuzzy Theory Based Security Service Chaining for Sustainable Mobile-Edge Computing.30.452017
HetNet: A Flexible Architecture for Heterogeneous Satellite-Terrestrial Networks.80.462017
Locator/Identifier Split Networking: A Promising Future Internet Architecture.90.632017
EmuStack: An OpenStack-Based DTN Network Emulation Platform10.352016
SAT-GRD: An ID/Loc split network architecture interconnecting satellite and ground networks50.472016
A Popularity-Based Cache Consistency Mechanism for Information-Centric Networking.00.342016
EmuStack: An OpenStack-Based DTN Network Emulation Platform (Extended Version).00.342016
Mobility support in Named Data Networking: a survey.40.422016
Hmmccn: A Hierarchical Mobility Management Scheme For Content-Centric Networking00.342016
Using SDN and NFV to Implement Satellite Communication Networks70.572016
Modeling link quality for high-speed railway wireless networks based on hidden Markov chain.10.352016
Feasibility and issues for establishing network-based carpooling scheme160.772015
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