Osaka Univ, Dept Info & Math Sci, Toyonaka, Osaka 5608531, Japan
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Symbolic model checking of extended finite state machines with linear constraints over integer variables30.492006
An autonomous and decentralized protocol for delay sensitive overlay multicast tree70.522004
Cost-Conscious Geographic Multicast On Manet80.802004
A Receiver Coordination Protocol for the Efficient Use of Bandwidth in Distributed Multimedia Applications00.342003
A Language for Describing Wireless Mobile Applications with Dynamic Establishment of Multi-way Synchronization Channels20.532002
Formal Verification of CPU in Laboratory Work00.342001
A compiler to implement LOTOS specifications in distributed environments40.592001
Hardware implementation of Concurrent Periodic EFSM's40.502000
Fast and Optimal Multicast-Server Selection Based on Receivers' Preference10.352000
Hardware implementation of communication protocols modeled by concurrent EFSMs with multi-way synchronization140.902000
Specification of real-time systems using a timed automata model with shared variables and verification of partial-deadlock freeness30.441999
Receiver-Cooperative Bandwidth Management for Layered Multicast20.411999
Formal design verification for correctness of pipelined microprocessors with out-of-order instruction execution00.341999
Generating Test Cases for a Timed I/O Automaton Model742.481999
Resource management for quality of service guarantees in multi-party multimedia application30.501998
Hardware synthesis from protocol specifications in LOTOS70.721998
Protocol Synthesis from Time Petri Net Based Service Specification40.441997
Implementation of Distributed Systems described with LOTOS Multi-rendezvous on Bus Topology Networks10.371997
Proof method for correctness of refinements of algebraic specification in abstract sequential machine style10.571996
Time-action alternating model for timed LOTOS and its symbolic verification of bisimulation equivalence30.411996
A LOTOS Compiler Generating Multi-threaded Object Codes101.001995
Verification of Liveness Property for Communicating FSM's with Conditional Transitions Depending on State Visiting Numbers00.341995
Hardware synthesis from a restricted class of LOTOS expressions10.411994
Software process description using LOTOS and its enaction90.611994
Automatic Correctness Proof of the Implementation of Synchronous Sequential Circuits Using an Algebraic Approach40.651994
Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications in extended FSM models120.911993
A graph editor for large trees with browsing and zooming capabilities00.341993
LOTOS enhancement to specify time constraint among non-adjacent actions using first order logic50.471993
VTM: A Graph Editor for Large Trees20.451992
Test System for a Restricted Class of LOTOS Expressions with Data Parameters50.601992
ASL program written in abstract sequential machine style and its compiler10.821992
Automated Verification of Equivalence of Protocol Machines20.441989
Principles of algebraic language ASL.30.961987
Decision problem concerning security for cryptographic protocols.10.421987
Compiling and optimizing methods for the functional language ASL/F71.861986
Optimization of functional language ASL/F programs.10.871985
Membership Problems For Data Dependencies In Relational Expressions50.391984
An Algebraic Specification of HDLC Procedures and Its Verification112.121984
Membership Problem For Embedded Multivalued Dependencies Under Some Restricted Conditions10.851983
Decision Problems For Multivalued Dependencies In Relational Databases276.161979
On equivalence of safe Petri nets00.341979
A Result on the Equivalence Problem for Deterministic Pushdown Automata50.961976
An O(n) Algorithm for Computing the Set of Available Expressions of D-Charts.10.701976
Reduction of Context-Free Grammars00.341970
A Note on Computing Time for the Recognition of Context-Free Languages by a Single-Tape Turing Machine20.541969