Inf. Countermeasure Tech. Res. Inst., Harbin Inst. of Technol., Harbin, China
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JPEG image width estimation for file carving.00.342018
A novel watermarking for DIBR 3D images with geometric rectification based on feature points30.382017
A Robust Depth-Image-Based-Rendering 3D Image Hashing Scheme Based on Histogram Shape.00.342016
Quantum realization of the nearest-neighbor interpolation method for FRQI and NEQR90.542016
An Adaptive Filter for Aeromagnetic Compensation Based on Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis.20.492016
Exposing frame deletion by detecting abrupt changes in video streams.30.392016
Meaningful visual secret sharing based on error diffusion and random grids10.342016
Study on the security of the authentication scheme with key recycling in QKD.00.342016
PCET based copy-move forgery detection in images under geometric transforms120.502016
Decoding schedule generating method for successive-cancellation decoder of polar codes.20.372016
Threshold progressive visual cryptography construction with unexpanded shares70.502016
A New Reduced-Latency SC Decoder for Polar Codes10.432015
Random grid-based visual secret sharing with multiple decryptions.80.532015
Identify the Copy & Paste Frames in Compressed Surveillance Video Based on Stream Parameters.00.342015
Co-Saliency Detection Linearly Combining Single-View Saliency And Foreground Correspondence20.352015
Linear discriminant multi-set canonical correlations analysis (LDMCCA): an efficient approach for feature fusion of finger biometrics60.432015
Improving Weights for Graph-Based Image Fragment Reassembly00.342015
Finger multibiometric cryptosystem based on score-level fusion10.352015
An Adaptive Improved Winnow Algorithm00.342015
Qualified matching feature collection for feature point-based copy-move forgery detection00.342015
Generalized random grids-based threshold visual cryptography with meaningful shares.80.472015
Background contrast based salient region detection.20.382014
Perceptual Image Hashing for DIBR 3D Images Based on Ring Partition and SIFT Feature Points00.342014
Comment on: Novel image encryption/decryption based on quantum fourier transform and double phase encoding30.432014
A Novel Finger Vein Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on Triangular Norm60.462014
An enhanced thermal face recognition method based on multiscale complex fusion for Gabor coefficients70.442014
Quantum image encryption based on restricted geometric and color transformations150.952014
Copy-Rotation-Move Forgery Detection Using the MROGH Descriptor00.342014
Threshold Visual Secret Sharing Based on Boolean Operations and Random Grids.00.342014
Study on error reconciliation in quantum key distribution.10.372014
Dynamic watermarking scheme for quantum images based on Hadamard transform281.352014
An adaptive transfer scheme based on sparse representation for figure-ground segmentation00.342014
Saliency detection based on integrated features30.382014
Threshold construction from specific cases in visual cryptography without the pixel expansion.190.712014
A new image encryption scheme based on cyclic elliptic curve and chaotic system211.082014
Finger multibiometric cryptosystems: Fusion strategy and template security30.372014
Region Diversity Based Saliency Density Maximization For Salient Object Detection00.342013
Corrigendum to "T. Chen, K. Tsao, Threshold visual secret sharing by random grids" [J. Syst. Softw. 84(2011) 1197-1208].00.342013
Detection of Image Region Duplication Using Spin Image.00.342013
Feature-Level Fusion of Finger Biometrics Based on Multi-set Canonical Correlation Analysis.10.352013
Two-directional two-dimensional modified Fisher principal component analysis: An efficient approach for thermal face verification30.372013
A new approach to chaotic image encryption based on quantum chaotic system, exploiting color spaces241.212013
Hiding traces of double compression in JPEG images based on Tabu Search.00.342013
A Fully Automatic Player Detection Method Based on One-Class SVM.20.402013
An effective preprocessing method for finger vein recognition40.472013
A Countermeasure Against Double Compression Based Image Forensic00.342012
A novel evaluation method for perceptual hash algorithm in authentication mode10.392012
Elliptic curve ElGamal based homomorphic image encryption scheme for sharing secret images120.942012
A novel coding method for multiple system barcode based on QR code00.342012
A Fourier series based expression deformation model for 3D face recognition00.342012
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