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Understanding Social Networks Using Transfer Learning.00.342018
On the Ubiquity of Web Tracking: Insights from a Billion-Page Web Crawl.20.402018
'Dark Germany': Temporal Characteristics and Connectivity Patterns in Online Far-Right Protests Against Refugee Housing.10.402017
'Dark Germany': Hidden Patterns of Participation in Online Far-Right Protests Against Refugee Housing.00.342017
Tracking the Trackers: A Large-Scale Analysis of Embedded Web Trackers.50.422016
Linguistic neighbourhoods: explaining cultural borders on Wikipedia through multilingual co-editing activity.90.602016
Erratum to: Linguistic neighbourhoods: explaining cultural borders on Wikipedia through multilingual co-editing activity.10.352016
Linguistic influence patterns within the global network of Wikipedia language editions.10.382015
Private-Collective Innovation and Open Source Software: Longitudinal Insights from Linux Kernel Development.30.612015
Exploiting The Structure Of Bipartite Graphs For Algebraic And Spectral Graph Theory Applications30.422015
Social Networking by Proxy: Analysis of Dogster, Catster and Hamsterster00.342015
Glaubwürdigkeit und Vertrauen von Online-News00.342015
Voting Behaviour and Power in Online Democracy: A Study of LiquidFeedback in Germany's Pirate Party.40.632015
Twitter as a Political Network: Predicting the Following and Unfollowing Behavior of German Politicians.00.342015
Social Networking by Proxy: A Case Study of Catster, Dogster and Hamsterster.00.342015
Action at a Distance in Networks.00.342014
Applications of Structural Balance in Signed Social Networks.60.472014
Polcovar: Software for Computing the Mean and Variance of Subgraph Counts in Random Graphs.00.342014
Handbook of Network Analysis [KONECT - the Koblenz Network Collection].30.422014
Detecting non-gaussian geographical topics in tagged photo collections190.622014
DecLiNe - Models for Decay of Links in Networks.20.382014
Spectral evolution in dynamic networks.20.392013
KONECT: the Koblenz network collection1854.702013
Centrality and mode detection in dynamic contact graphs; a joint diagonalisation approach10.352013
Preferential attachment in online networks: measurement and explanations171.072013
Structural Dynamics of Knowledge Networks.60.442013
What is the added value of negative links in online social networks?200.752013
Network Analysis Tools for Online Communities: The Koblenz Network Collection.00.342013
Online dating recommender systems: the split-complex number approach130.672012
Fairness on the web: alternatives to the power law144.722012
LiveTweet: monitoring and predicting interesting microblog posts60.512012
Diversity dynamics in online networks40.412012
Predicting Directed Links Using Nondiagonal Matrix Decompositions50.452012
Searching microblogs: coping with sparsity and document quality552.052011
On Joint Diagonalisation for Dynamic Network Analysis00.342011
Discriminating graphs through spectral projections60.472011
Bad news travel fast: a content-based analysis of interestingness on Twitter.702.492011
Link prediction on evolving data using tensor factorization180.782011
LiveTweet: Microblog Retrieval Based on Interestingness and an Adaptation of the Vector Space Model.30.392011
Multilingual Ontology-based User Profile Enrichment.00.342010
The link prediction problem in bipartite networks301.542010
Spectral Analysis of Signed Graphs for Clustering, Prediction and Visualization893.652010
Exploiting hierarchical tags for context-awareness20.382010
Network growth and the spectral evolution model191.112010
The slashdot zoo: mining a social network with negative edges1366.372009
Hydra: a hybrid recommender system [cross-linked rating and content information]150.732009
Learning spectral graph transformations for link prediction752.542009
The Universal Recommender00.342009
Modeling Collaborative Similarity with the Signed Resistance Distance Kernel40.842008
Alternative Similarity Functions For Graph Kernels30.412008
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