Faculty of Engineering, University of Perugia, Polo Didattico e Scientifico del Ternano, Via Pentima bassa, 21, I-05100 Terni, Italy
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Manifold Calculus in System Theory and Control-Second Order Structures and Systems00.342022
A comprehensive comparison of algorithms for the statistical modelling of non-monotone relationships via isotonic regression of transformed data.00.342019
Robust averaging of covariances for eeg recordings classification in motor imagery brain-computer interfaces00.342017
An Improved Chaotic Optimization Algorithm Applied to a DC Electrical Motor Modeling.20.382017
Tangent-Bundle Maps on the Grassmann Manifold: Application to Empirical Arithmetic Averaging10.372015
Auto-Regressive Moving Average Models on Complex-Valued Matrix Lie Groups20.392014
Mixed maps for learning a Kolmogoroff-Nagumo-type average element on the compact Stiefel manifold10.362014
A two-dimensional Poisson equation formulation of non-parametric statistical non-linear modeling00.342014
An isotonic trivariate statistical regression method00.342013
Fast statistical regression in presence of a dominant independent variable.40.462013
Mixed Maps for Kolmogoroff-Nagumo-Type Averaging on the Compact Stiefel Manifold00.342013
Empirical Arithmetic Averaging Over the Compact Stiefel Manifold190.862013
Extended Hamiltonian Learning on Riemannian Manifolds: Numerical Aspects40.432012
A comparison of two algorithmic recipes to parametrize rectangular orthogonal matrices00.342012
Extended Hamiltonian Learning on Riemannian Manifolds: Theoretical Aspects100.572011
Visualization of Riemannian-manifold-valued elements by multidimensional scaling50.482011
Riemannian-gradient-based learning on the complex matrix-hypersphere.00.342011
A closed-form solution to the problem of averaging over the lie group of special orthogonal matrices10.362010
Learning by natural gradient on noncompact matrix-type pseudo-Riemannian manifolds.70.632010
A Pseudo-Riemannian-Gradient Approach To The Least-Squares Problem On The Real Symplectic Group00.342010
Least-Squares on the Real Symplectic Group00.342010
Learning averages over the lie group of unitary matrices00.342009
Computation of the Frechet mean, variance and interpolation for a pool of neural networks over the manifold of special orthogonal matrices00.342009
Learning-Machines-Committee Averages Over The Unitary Group Of Matrices00.342009
Learning the Fréchet Mean over the Manifold of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices160.922009
An algorithm to compute averages on matrix Lie groups271.752009
Learning averages over the lie group of symmetric positive-definite matrices00.342009
On vector averaging over the unit hypersphere110.822009
Geodesic-based and projection-based neural blind deconvolution algorithms80.712008
Descent methods for optimization on homogeneous manifolds90.702008
An averaging method for a committee of special-orthogonal-group machines00.342008
Engineering of intelligent systems (ICEIS 2006).00.342008
Lie-group-type neural system learning by manifold retractions.120.822008
Generation of pseudorandom numbers with arbitrary distribution by learnable look-up-table-type neural networks10.402008
Learning stepsize selection for the geodesic-based neural blind deconvolution algorithm00.342008
Asymmetric variate generation via a parameterless dual neural learning algorithm10.372008
A study on neural learning on manifold foliations: the case of the Lie group SU(3).110.762008
Leap-frog-type learning algorithms over the Lie group of unitary matrices70.672008
Neural systems with numerically matched input-output statistic: isotonic bivariate statistical modeling30.542007
Learning independent components on the orthogonal group of matrices by retractions40.502007
Neural learning algorithms based on mappings: the case of the unitary group of matrices00.342007
Fixed-point neural independent component analysis algorithms on the orthogonal group40.612006
Blind adaptation of stable discrete-time IIR filters in state-space form40.492006
Neural Systems with Numerically-Matched Input---Output Statistic: Variate Generation50.822006
Simultaneous Tracking of the Best Basis in Reduced-Rank Wiener Filter70.652006
Formulation and integration of learning differential equations on the stiefel manifold.90.762005
Geometrical methods in neural networks and learning100.862005
Fast fixed-point neural blind-deconvolution algorithm211.452004
Analysis of modified "Bussgang" algorithms (MBAs) for channel equalization60.582004
One-unit ‘rigid-bodies’ learning rule for principal/independent component analysis with application to ECT-NDE signal processing30.512004
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