Chalmers University Computing Sciences 41296 Göteborg Sweden
Search Limit
Dividing Splittable Goods Evenly and With Limited Fragmentation00.342020
Combinatorial search in two and more rounds00.342019
Optimal partial clique edge covering guided by potential energy minimization.00.342019
Parameterized Mixed Graph Coloring00.342019
An Optimization Problem Related to Bloom Filters with Bit Patterns.00.342018
The Solution Space of Sorting with Recurring Comparison Faults.00.342018
Saving Probe Bits by Cube Domination.00.342018
Calculating approximation guarantees for partial set cover of pairs.10.362017
Finding Defectives On A Line By Random Docking And Interval Group Tests00.342017
Refined algorithms for hitting many intervals.00.342017
Adaptive group testing with a constrained number of positive responses improved.00.342016
Computing Giant Graph Diameters00.342016
Sufficient conditions for edit-optimal clusters.10.352016
Deterministic versus randomized adaptive test cover.00.342016
Pairs covered by a sequence of sets10.392015
Randomized Adaptive Test Cover00.342015
Editing the Simplest Graphs.10.422014
Enumerating maximal bicliques in bipartite graphs with favorable degree sequences20.372014
A Toolbox for Provably Optimal Multistage Strict Group Testing Strategies.10.362013
Cluster Editing with Locally Bounded Modifications Revisited.10.362013
Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Error Correction in Graphical Linear Systems.00.342013
Two New Perspectives on Multi-Stage Group Testing.40.432013
Error propagation in sparse linear systems with peptide-protein incidence matrices10.362012
A note on the parameterized complexity of unordered maximum tree orientation.00.342012
Randomized group testing both query-optimal and minimal adaptive110.512012
Parameterized reductions and algorithms for a graph editing problem that generalizes vertex cover20.452012
Finding hidden hubs and dominating sets in sparse graphs by randomized neighborhood queries00.342011
Even faster parameterized cluster deletion and cluster editing200.782011
Sparse solutions of sparse linear systems: Fixed-parameter tractability and an application of complex group testing40.572011
Parameterized algorithms for double hypergraph dualization with rank limitation and maximum minimal vertex cover00.342011
Parameterized reductions and algorithms for another vertex cover generalization10.402011
Bounds for nonadaptive group tests to estimate the amount of defectives50.472010
Homogeneous String Segmentation using Trees and Weighted Independent Sets00.342010
Fixed-Parameter Enumerability of Cluster Editing and Related Problems140.662010
Multiple Hypernode Hitting Sets and Smallest Two-Cores with Targets20.392009
Competitive group testing and learning hidden vertex covers with minimum adaptivity90.712009
Pareto Complexity of Two-Parameter FPT Problems: A Case Study for Partial Vertex Cover20.402009
Ranking hypotheses to minimize the search cost in probabilistic inference models00.342009
Bounded-Degree Techniques Accelerate Some Parameterized Graph Algorithms80.562009
Online Search with Time-Varying Price Bounds90.742009
Competitive Search for Longest Empty Intervals00.342008
Minimum Common String Partition Parameterized120.852008
The union of minimal hitting sets: Parameterized combinatorial bounds and counting110.662007
Segmenting strings homogeneously via trees00.342007
Overlaps help: Improved bounds for group testing with interval queries30.412007
Scheduling search procedures: The wheel of fortune10.362006
Fast Algorithms for Finding Disjoint Subsequences with Extremal Densities70.522006
Randomized vs. deterministic distance query strategies for point location on the line30.542006
Parameterized enumeration, transversals, and imperfect phylogeny reconstruction341.472006
Linear Programs for Hypotheses Selection in Probabilistic Inference Models20.392006
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