Orange Labs, Lannion, France
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Analyse sémantique robuste par apprentissage antagoniste pour la généralisation de domaine (Robust Semantic Parsing with Adversarial Learning for Domain Generalization ).00.342020
Cross-lingual and Cross-domain Evaluation of Machine Reading Comprehension with Squad and CALOR-Quest Corpora.00.342020
A Multimodal Educational Corpus of Oral Courses: Annotation, Analysis and Case Study00.342020
CALOR-QUEST - un corpus d'entraînement et d'évaluation pour la compréhension automatique de textes (Machine reading comprehension is a task related to Question-Answering where questions are not generic in scope but are related to a particular document).00.342019
Robust Semantic Parsing with Adversarial Learning for Domain Generalization10.352019
Can We Predict Self-Reported Customer Satisfaction From Interactions?00.342019
MaskParse@Deskin at SemEval-2019 Task 1: Cross-lingual UCCA Semantic Parsing using Recursive Masked Sequence Tagging.00.342019
The Impact of Word Representations on Sequential Neural MWE Identification00.342019
Adapting a FrameNet Semantic Parser for Spoken Language Understanding Using Adversarial Learning00.342019
CALOR-QUEST - generating a training corpus for Machine Reading Comprehension models from shallow semantic annotations.00.342019
Evaluation automatique de la satisfaction client à partir de conversations de type "chat" par réseaux de neurones récurrents avec mécanisme d'attention (Customer satisfaction prediction with attention-based RNNs from a chat contact center corpus).00.342018
Semantic Frame Parsing for Information Extraction : the CALOR corpus.00.342018
Sources of Complexity in Semantic Frame Parsing for Information Extraction.00.342018
Predicting failure of a mediated conversation in the context of asymetric role dialogues.00.342018
FrNewsLink : a corpus linking TV Broadcast News Segments and Press Articles.00.342018
FrameNet automatic analysis : a study on a French corpus of encyclopedic texts.00.342018
Handling Normalization Issues for Part-of-Speech Tagging of Online Conversational Text.00.342018
Similarité textuelle pour l'association de documents journalistiques.00.342018
SimBow at SemEval-2017 Task 3: Soft-Cosine Semantic Similarity between Questions for Community Question Answering.50.442017
Evaluating Automatic Topic Segmentation As A Segment Retrieval Task00.342017
Exploration de collections d'archives multimédia dans le contexte des Humanités Numériques - revisiter TALN'2015 ? (Exploring multimedia archives in the context of Digital Humanities - browsing TALN'2015?).00.342016
Syntactic parsing of chat language in contact center conversation corpus.00.342016
Web Chat Conversations from Contact Centers: a Descriptive Study.10.372016
Fusion Of Speaker And Lexical Information For Topic Segmentation: A Co-Segmentation Approach30.372015
News Talk-Show Chaptering With Journalistic Genres00.342015
Diachronic Semantic Cohesion For Topic Segmentation Of Tv Broadcast News10.372015
Entre écrit et oral ? Analyse comparée de conversations de type tchat et de conversations téléphoniques dans un centre de contact client.00.342015
PERCOLATTE : A Multimodal Person Discovery System in TV Broadcast for the Medieval 2015 Evaluation Campaign.10.352015
Identification de personnes dans des flux multimédia.00.342015
Segmentation et Titrage Automatique de Journaux Télévisés.00.342015
Intra-content term weighting for topic segmentation70.492014
Person name recognition and linking from overlay text in TV broadcast shows.00.342014
Multiple-view constrained clustering for unsupervised face identification in TV-broadcast50.432014
Speech cohesion for topic segmentation of spoken contents.30.422014
Unsupervised Face Identification In Tv Content Using Audio-Visual Sources110.632013
Complementarity of lexical cohesion and speaker role information for story segmentation of french TV broadcast news20.412013
PERCOLI: A Person Identification System for the 2013 REPERE Challenge.60.442013
Detecting person presence in TV shows with linguistic and structural features10.362012
Interfaces de navigation dans des contenus audio et vidéo (Navigation interfaces through audio and video contents) [in French]00.342012
Detecting politician speech in TV broadcast news shows.00.342012
Robust speaker turn role labeling of TV Broadcast News shows110.612011
Multi-View Approach For Speaker Turn Role Labeling In Tv Broadcast News Shows50.512011
Detection and interpretation of opinion expressions in spoken surveys40.502010
Towards Intonation Control In Unit Selection Speech Synthesis10.382009
Error Correction Of Proportions In Spoken Opinion Surveys30.442009
Automatic Customer Feedback Processing: Alarm Detection In Open Question Spoken Messages20.432008
Normalizing SMS: are two metaphors better than one?632.922008
Adaptive database reduction for domain specific speech synthesis.40.472007
On the use of finite state transducers for semantic interpretation301.312006
Conceptual language model design for spoken language understanding00.342005
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