Computer science Division, University of California at Berkeley and International Computer Science Institute
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Sampling Colorings and Independent Sets of Random Regular Bipartite Graphs in the Non-Uniqueness Region00.342022
On Mixing of Markov Chains: Coupling, Spectral Independence, and Entropy Factorization00.342022
Approximating Observables Is as Hard as Counting00.342022
Metastability of the Potts Ferromagnet on Random Regular Graphs00.342022
Entropy decay in the Swendsen–Wang dynamics on ℤd00.342021
The Swendsen-Wang Dynamics on Trees.00.342021
Spectral Independence via Stability and Applications to Holant-Type Problems00.342021
Optimal mixing of Glauber dynamics: entropy factorization via high-dimensional expansion10.362021
Rapid Mixing for Colorings via Spectral Independence00.342021
Hardness Of Identity Testing For Restricted Boltzmann Machines And Potts Models00.342020
Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and Random-Cluster Models on Random Regular Graphs10.362020
Structure Learning of H-Colorings00.342020
Swendsen‐Wang dynamics for general graphs in the tree uniqueness region00.342020
Lower Bounds for Testing Graphical Models: Colorings and Antiferromagnetic Ising Models.00.342019
Random-Cluster Dynamics in Z2 - Rapid Mixing with General Boundary Conditions.00.342019
Improved Strong Spatial Mixing for Colorings on Trees.00.342019
Lower bounds for testing graphical models: colorings and antiferromagnetic Ising models.00.342019
Fast Algorithms at Low Temperatures via Markov Chains.00.342019
Structure Learning of ${H}$-colorings.00.342018
Spatial Mixing and Non-local Markov chains.10.362018
On Counting Perfect Matchings in General Graphs.00.342018
Swendsen-Wang Dynamics for General Graphs in the Tree Uniqueness Region.00.342018
Sampling Random Colorings of Sparse Random Graphs.20.382018
Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and Random-Cluster Models on Random Regular Graphs.10.362018
Random Walks on Small World Networks00.342017
Spatial Mixing and Systematic Scan Markov chains.00.342016
#BIS-Hardness for 2-Spin Systems on Bipartite Bounded Degree Graphs in the Tree Non-uniqueness Region.10.372016
Convergence of MCMC and Loopy BP in the Tree Uniqueness Region for the Hard-Core Model90.552016
Improved Bounds on the Phase Transition for the Hard-Core Model in 2 Dimensions.60.502015
Swendsen-Wang Algorithm on the Mean-Field Potts Model.20.422015
Ferromagnetic Potts Model: Refined #BIS-hardness and Related Results.10.362014
BIS-Hardness for Ferromagnetic Potts in the Ordered Phase and Related Results.00.342013
Inapproximability for antiferromagnetic spin systems in the tree non-uniqueness region80.482013
Improved Bounds on the Phase Transition for the Hard-Core Model in 2-Dimensions.20.382013
Negative examples for sequential importance sampling of binary contingency tables161.722012
Inapproximability of the Partition Function for the Antiferromagnetic Ising and Hard-Core Models280.982012
A Deterministic Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Counting Knapsack Solutions130.722012
Reconstruction for Colorings on Trees.100.632011
Improved inapproximability results for counting independent sets in the hard-core model.160.922011
Fast Convergence of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms for Phylogenetic Reconstruction with Homogeneous Data on Closely Related Species.20.502011
Phase transition for the mixing time of the Glauber dynamics for coloring regular trees40.422010
Fast Convergence of MCMC Algorithms for Phylogenetic Reconstruction with Homogeneous Data on Closely Related Species10.432010
Phase Transition for Glauber Dynamics for Independent Sets on Regular Trees.20.402010
Adaptive simulated annealing: A near-optimal connection between sampling and counting261.672009
Random Bichromatic Matchings00.342008
Mutations Of Different Molecular Origins Exhibit Contrasting Patterns Of Regional Substitution Rate Variation51.242008
Accelerating simulated annealing for the permanent and combinatorial counting problems161.342008
Variable length path coupling80.642007
Randomly coloring planar graphs with fewer colors than the maximum degree70.572007
Phylogeny of mixture models: robustness of maximum likelihood and non-identifiable distributions.70.982007
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