Physics Department, University of Notre Dame, 225 Nieuwland Science Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
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Multidimensional approximate Riemann solvers for hyperbolic nonconservative systems. Applications to shallow water systems10.362021
Optimal, globally constraint-preserving, DG(TD) schemes for computational electrodynamics based on two-derivative Runge-Kutta timestepping and multidimensional generalized Riemann problem solvers - A von Neumann stability analysis.00.342020
An efficient class of WENO schemes with adaptive order for unstructured meshes00.342020
Globally constraint-preserving FR/DG scheme for Maxwell's equations at all orders.00.342019
von Neumann stability analysis of globally constraint-preserving DGTD and PNPM schemes for the Maxwell equations using multidimensional Riemann solvers.00.342019
High order direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) schemes with WENO Adaptive-Order reconstruction on unstructured meshes.00.342019
An efficient, second order accurate, universal generalized Riemann problem solver based on the HLLI Riemann solver.00.342018
Computational electrodynamics in material media with constraint-preservation, multidimensional Riemann solvers and sub-cell resolution - Part II, higher order FVTD schemes.00.342018
Von Neumann stability analysis of globally divergence-free RKDG schemes for the induction equation using multidimensional Riemann solvers.90.502017
Computational electrodynamics in material media with constraint-preservation, multidimensional Riemann solvers and sub-cell resolution - Part I, second-order FVTD schemes.60.472017
Multidimensional Riemann problem with self-similar internal structure - part III - a multidimensional analogue of the HLLI Riemann solver for conservative hyperbolic systems.60.452017
A high-order relativistic two-fluid electrodynamic scheme with consistent reconstruction of electromagnetic fields and a multidimensional Riemann solver for electromagnetism.70.512016
A two-dimensional Riemann solver with self-similar sub-structure – Alternative formulation based on least squares projection70.482016
A subluminal relativistic magnetohydrodynamics scheme with ADER-WENO predictor and multidimensional Riemann solver-based corrector.50.432016
Exploring various flux vector splittings for the magnetohydrodynamic system.60.602016
An efficient class of WENO schemes with adaptive order.170.872016
A new efficient formulation of the HLLEM Riemann solver for general conservative and non-conservative hyperbolic systems190.852016
Three dimensional HLL Riemann solver for conservation laws on structured meshes; Application to Euler and magnetohydrodynamic flows140.702015
Comparing Coarray Fortran (CAF) with MPI for several structured mesh PDE applications40.422015
Divergence-free MHD on unstructured meshes using high order finite volume schemes based on multidimensional Riemann solvers260.922015
A stabilized Runge-Kutta-Legendre method for explicit super-time-stepping of parabolic and mixed equations30.682014
A stable HLLC Riemann solver for relativistic magnetohydrodynamics.50.452014
Lagrangian ADER-WENO finite volume schemes on unstructured triangular meshes based on genuinely multidimensional HLL Riemann solvers.190.692014
Multidimensional HLLC Riemann solver for unstructured meshes - With application to Euler and MHD flows431.482014
Efficient implementation of ADER schemes for Euler and magnetohydrodynamical flows on structured meshes - Speed comparisons with Runge-Kutta methods.501.882013
ADER-WENO Finite Volume Schemes with Space-Time Adaptive Mesh Refinement361.332012
A two-dimensional HLLC Riemann solver for conservation laws: Application to Euler and magnetohydrodynamic flows481.742012
Self-adjusting, positivity preserving high order schemes for hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics251.032012
Multidimensional HLLE Riemann solver: Application to Euler and magnetohydrodynamic flows572.352010
Efficient, high accuracy ADER-WENO schemes for hydrodynamics and divergence-free magnetohydrodynamics763.672009
Divergence-free reconstruction of magnetic fields and WENO schemes for magnetohydrodynamics252.162009
A unified framework for the construction of one-step finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin schemes on unstructured meshes1165.212008
A sub-cell based indicator for troubled zones in RKDG schemes and a novel class of hybrid RKDG+HWENO schemes272.342007
Arbitrary High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for the Magnetohydrodynamic Equations172.272007
Highly parallel structured adaptive mesh refinement using parallel language-based approaches131.522001
Parallel Object-Oriented Adaptive Mesh Refinement00.341997
A Load Balancing Package for Domain Decomposition on Distributed Memory Systems10.501996