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Chaining-Box: A Transparent Service Function Chaining Architecture Leveraging BPF00.342022
Sensing the Sensor: Estimating Camera Properties with Minimal Information00.342022
Danian - Redução da latência de calda de aplicações em rede através de um escalonador O(1).00.342021
Openflow Data Planes Performance Evaluation20.382021
Cellular automata-based byte error correction in QCA10.362020
Localization Using Ultra Wideband and IEEE 802.15.4 Radios with Nonlinear Bayesian Filters: a Comparative Study00.342020
Ethanol: A Software-Defined Wireless Networking architecture for IEEE 802.11 networks.10.382020
BloomTime: space-efficient stateful tracking of time-dependent network performance metrics00.342020
Meeting SLOs in cross-platform NFV00.342020
Fast Packet Processing with eBPF and XDP: Concepts, Code, Challenges, and Applications100.642020
Software-defined networking with services oriented by domain names10.362020
CAPTAIN: A Data Collection algorithm for underwater optical-Acoustic sensor networks10.352020
FWB: Funneling Wider Bandwidth algorithm for high performance data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks00.342019
3DVS: Node Scheduling in Underwater Sensor Networks using 3D Voronoi Diagrams00.342019
Aplicações de monitoramento de tráfego utilizando redes programáveis eBPF.00.342019
DYRP-VLC: A dynamic routing protocol for Wireless Ad-Hoc Visible Light Communication Networks.10.482019
Integer Linear Programming Formulations for the Variable Data Rate and Variable Channel Bandwidth Scheduling Problem in Wireless Networks00.342019
Topology Control in Underwater Sensor Networks Using Cellular Automata.00.342019
Water ping: ICMP for the internet of underwater things.30.392019
PAC-A e PAC-I - Protocolos de Árvore de Coleta para Plataformas com Dois Rádios.00.342019
Automatic Quality of Experience Management for WLAN Networks using Multi-Armed Bandit00.342019
Um Protocolo de Roteamento Dinâmico para Redes de Comunicação por Luz Visível.00.342019
Localização de Controladores em Redes Definidas por Software com Orientação Financeira.00.342019
Fast and Parallel Wireless Communication Backbone Deployment with Networked Robots00.342019
Alocação dinâmica de largura de banda para redes sem fio infraestruturadas.00.342019
Visible Light Communication: Concepts, Applications and Challenges100.652019
The Internet Of Light: Impact Of Colors In Led-To-Led Visible Light Communication Systems00.342019
FWB: Funneling Wider Bandwidth Algorithm for High Performance Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks.00.342018
Advances in Mobile Networking for IoT Leading the 4th Industrial Revolution.00.342018
Mobile Matrix: Routing under mobility in IoT, IoMT, and Social IoT00.342018
Hybrid multicriteria algorithms applied to structural design of wireless local area networks.00.342018
HomeNetRescue: An SDN service for troubleshooting home networks.00.342018
Matrix: Multihop Address Allocation and Dynamic Any-to-Any Routing for 6LoWPAN.30.412018
Autonomous Wireless Lake Monitoring.30.392018
Comparison of data center traffic division policies using SDN.00.342018
CGR: Centrality-based green routing for Low-power and Lossy Networks.10.362017
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless Power Transfer.00.342017
Network Coding for 5G Network and D2D Communication.00.342017
Scheduling Nodes in Underwater Networks using Voronoi Diagram.00.342017
Embedded IoT Systems: Network, Platform, and Software.00.342017
Mobile Matrix: A Multihop Address Allocation and Any-to-Any Routing in Mobile 6LoWPAN.00.342017
CodeDrip: Improving data dissemination for wireless sensor networks with network coding.30.372017
Hardware Modules for Packet Interarrival Time Monitoring for Software Defined Measurements00.342016
Survey on the design of underwater sensor nodes20.372016
Wireless scheduling with multiple data rates: From physical interference to disk graphs.30.382016
FlushMF: A Transport Protocol Using Multiple Frequencies for Wireless Sensor Network00.342016
CRAL: A Centrality-Based and Energy Efficient Collection Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks00.342015
Programmable Networks – From Software Defined Radio to Software Defined Networking190.712015
TCAM/CAM-QCA: (Ternary) Content Addressable Memory using Quantum-dot Cellular Automata.50.532015
CodeDrip: Data Dissemination Protocol with Network Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks.90.512014
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