Institute for Statistics and Information Management of the New University of Lisbon, Portugal, Campus de Campolide, 1070-124 Lisbon, Portugal
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A Decentralized Location-Based Reputation Management System in the IoT Using Blockchain00.342022
Correction: Perazzoni, F.; Bacelar-Nicolau, P.; Painho, M. Geointelligence against Illegal Deforestation and Timber Laundering in the Brazilian Amazon. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020 , 9, 398.00.342020
Reliability Evaluation of the Data Acquisition Potential of a Low-Cost Climatic Network for Applications in Agriculture.00.342020
Remote Estimation of Target Height from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images.00.342020
Remotely Sensed Data Fusion for Spatiotemporal Geostatistical Analysis of Forest Fire Hazard.00.342020
Gamification: A key determinant of massive open online course (MOOC) success.30.382019
Geospatial preparedness: Empirical study of the joint effort to provide geospatial support to disaster response00.342019
Place and City: Toward Urban Intelligence.10.352018
Geographic information technology usage in developing countries - A case study in Mozambique.00.342018
Location Intelligence For Augmented Smart Cities Integrating Sensor Web And Spatial Data Infrastructure (Smacisens)00.342018
Design for Geospatially Enabled Climate Modeling and Alert System (CLIMSYS): A Position Paper (Short Paper).00.342018
Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body.30.512017
Place and city: Operationalizing sense of place and social capital in the urban context.40.412017
Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science or Volunteered Geographic Information? The Current State of Crowdsourced Geographic Information.342.452016
User Generated Spatial Content-Integrator: Conceptual Model to Integrate Data from Diverse Sources of User Generated Spatial Content.20.672016
Exploring the human body space: A geographical information system based anatomical atlas.00.342016
Crop Monitoring Based on SPOT-5 Take-5 and Sentinel-1A Data for the Estimation of Crop Water Requirements.00.342016
Photo Based (V)Olunteered Geographic Information Initiatives: A Comparative Study Of Their Suitability For Helping Quality Control Of Corine Land Cover20.402014
Interactive maps: What we know and what we need to know.60.572013
Exploratory analysis of OpenStreetMap for land use classification120.662013
Flickr Geotagged And Publicly Available Photos: Preliminary Study Of Its Adequacy For Helping Quality Control Of Corine Land Cover70.682013
A spatial decision support system for the Portuguese public transportation sector00.342012
The Influence Of Landscape Variation On Landform Categorization50.792012
A comprehensive framework for exploratory spatial data analysis: Moran location and variance scatterplots10.382010
Synopsis of an Internet Spatial (Decision Support) Prototype10.412008
An ontological-based approach to Geographic Information Science curriculadesign00.342007
The self-organizing map, the Geo-SOM, and relevant variants for geosciences291.622005
Applying genetic algorithms to zone design291.922005
Self-organizing maps as substitutes for k-means clustering301.992005
Measuring semantic differences between conceptualisations: the portuguese water bodies case – does education matter?00.342005
Editorial for the special issue: Soft Computing for Spatial Data Analysis00.342005
Exploring spatial data through computational intelligence: a joint perspective10.412005
Geo-Self-OrganizingMap (Geo-SOM) for Building and Exploring Homogeneous Regions00.342004
Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications10.372004
Spatial sampling design for sediment quality assessment in estuaries51.312003