Department of Computer Science|University of Auckland
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Automatic Generation of Programming Exercises and Code Explanations Using Large Language Models00.342022
Getting By With Help From My Friends: Group Study in Introductory Programming Understood as Socially Shared Regulation00.342022
The Human Factors Impact of Programming Error Messages (Dagstuhl Seminar 22052).00.342022
Primary School Students Programming with Real-Time Environmental Sensor Data00.342022
The Robots Are Coming: Exploring the Implications of OpenAI Codex on Introductory Programming00.342022
DeepQR: Neural-Based Quality Ratings for Learnersourced Multiple-Choice Questions.00.342022
Who am I? - Development and Analysis of an Interactive 3D Game for Psychometric Testing.00.342021
Lecture Recordings, Viewing Habits, and Performance in an Introductory Programming Course00.342021
Sensor-Based Interactive Worksheets to Support Guided Scientific Inquiry00.342021
Towards Assessing the Readability of Programming Error Messages00.342021
Exploring Personalization of Gamification in an Introductory Programming Course00.342021
When Wrong is Right: The Instructional Power of Multiple Conceptions00.342021
The Impact of Multiple Choice Question Design on Predictions of Performance00.342021
Promoting Early Engagement with Programming Assignments Using Scheduled Automated Feedback00.342021
A Game-Based Approach for Teaching Algorithms and Data Structures using Visualizations00.342021
Improving Student Peer Code Review Using Gamification00.342021
Investigating Accuracy and Perceived Value of Feedback in Peer Code Review Using Gamification00.342021
Exploring the Effects of Contextualized Problem Descriptions on Problem Solving00.342021
A Semblance of Similarity: Student Categorisation of Simple Algorithmic Problem Statements00.342021
Scientific Collaboration Network Analysis for Computing Education Conferences00.342021
On Designing Programming Error Messages for Novices: Readability and its Constituent Factors00.342021
Error Message Readability and Novice Debugging Performance00.342020
What Do We Think We Think We Are Doing?: Metacognition and Self-Regulation in Programming00.342020
Gamification of student peer review in education: A systematic literature review10.352020
A Review of Peer Code Review in Higher Education20.402020
Mathematics, Computer Science and Career Inclinations - A Multi-Institutional Exploration.00.342020
Evaluating an Interactive Tool for Teaching Design Patterns.00.342020
Nationality and Gender Biases in Multicultural Online Learning Environments: The Effects of Anonymity00.342020
A Miss is as Good as a Mile - Off-By-One Errors and Arrays in an Introductory Programming Course.00.342020
A Review of Research on Parsons Problems.00.342020
CompareCFG: Providing Visual Feedback on Code Quality Using Control Flow Graphs00.342020
Towards a Framework for Teaching Debugging.10.352019
BEST PAPER AT SIGCSE 2019 IN THE CS EDUCATION TRACK: First things first: providing metacognitive scaffolding for interpreting problem prompts00.342019
Research This! Questions that Computing Educators Most Want Computing Education Researchers to Answer00.342019
A Closer Look at Metacognitive Scaffolding: Solving Test Cases Before Programming00.342019
A discursive question: Supporting student-authored multiple choice questions through peer-learning software in non-STEMM disciplines00.342019
Compiler Error Messages Considered Unhelpful: The Landscape of Text-Based Programming Error Message Research10.352019
Four Million Questions And A Few Answers Lessons From Research On Student-Generated Resources00.342019
First Things First: Providing Metacognitive Scaffolding for Interpreting Problem Prompts20.382019
Resources and Support for the Implementation of Digital Technologies in New Zealand Schools.00.342019
Mastery Learning in Computer Science Education.00.342019
Unexpected Tokens: A Review of Programming Error Messages and Design Guidelines for the Future00.342019
On the Fairness of Multiple-Variant Multiple-Choice Examinations00.342019
HandsUp: An In-Class Question Posing Tool00.342018
Ladebug: an online tool to help novice programmers improve their debugging skills.10.362018
Improving complex task performance using a sequence of simple practice tasks.10.362018
Transitioning from Block-Based to Text-Based Programming Languages10.402018
Common logic errors made by novice programmers.20.372018
Objects Count so Count Objects!20.472018
Empirical Support for a Causal Relationship Between Gamification and Learning Outcomes40.452018
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