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Wind Speed Forecasting Using Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network.00.342021
Adaptive entropy-based learning with dynamic artificial neural network.00.342019
Active Distribution Grid Management Based on Robust AC Optimal Power Flow.00.342018
Survey on Complex Optimization and Simulation for the New Power Systems Paradigm.10.352018
Complex Optimization and Simulation in Power Systems.00.342018
Practices And Architectures For Tso-Dso Data Exchange: European Landscape00.342018
Honingstone: Building Creative Combos With Honing Theory For A Digital Card Game10.372017
Evaluation of different initial solution algorithms to be used in the heuristics optimization to solve the energy resource scheduling in smart grids.00.342016
Electricity Markets Ontology to Support MASCEM's Simulations.00.342016
Adaptive Portfolio Optimization for Multiple Electricity Markets Participation.90.882016
Dynamic Energy Management Method with Demand Response Interaction Applied in an Office Building.00.342016
Support Vector Machines for decision support in electricity markets' strategic bidding40.452016
Coalition of distributed generation units to Virtual Power Players - a game theory approach.00.342015
Agent-Based Smart Grid Market Simulation with Connection to Real Infrastructures.00.342015
Demand Response in Electric Vehicles Management Optimal Use of End-User Contracts.00.342015
Smart Grids Simulation with MECSYCO00.342015
Multi-agent Multi-Model Simulation of Smart Grids in the MS4SG Project80.702015
Automatic Electricity Markets Data Extraction for Realistic Multi-agent Simulations.00.342014
A new heuristic providing an effective initial solution for a simulated annealing approach to energy resource scheduling in smart grids10.352014
Particle Swarm Optimization of Electricity Market Negotiating Players Portfolio.30.472014
Reinforcement Learning Based on the Bayesian Theorem for Electricity Markets Decision Support.00.342014
Data Extraction Tool to Analyse, Transform and Store Real Data from Electricity Markets.00.342014
Adaptive learning in agents behaviour: A framework for electricity markets simulation241.392014
Strategic Bidding for Electricity Markets Negotiation Using Support Vector Machines.20.472014
Distributed, Agent-Based Intelligent System for Demand Response Program Simulation in Smart Grids101.262014
Elspot: Nord Pool Spot Integration in MASCEM Electricity Market Simulator.00.342014
Upper Ontology for Multi-Agent Energy Systems' Applications.10.372013
Modified Particle Swarm Optimization applied to integrated demand response and DG resources scheduling140.832013
Day-Ahead Resource Scheduling Including Demand Response for Electric Vehicles.170.982013
Strategic bidding in electricity markets: An agent-based simulator with game theory for scenario analysis110.992013
Modified discrete PSO to increase the delivered energy probability in distribution energy systems.00.342013
Application-Specific Modified Particle Swarm Optimization for energy resource scheduling considering vehicle-to-grid.121.002013
Supervision Functions - Secure Operation of Sustainable Power Systems.00.342013
Intelligent Energy Resource Management Considering Vehicle-to-Grid: A Simulated Annealing Approach.401.972012
Multilevel Negotiation in Smart Grids for VPP Management of Distributed Resources151.002012
Combined heat and power and consumption optimization in a SCADA-based system00.342012
Metalearning in ALBidS: A Strategic Bidding System for Electricity Markets.20.402012
Adaptive Learning in Multiagent Systems: A Forecasting Methodology Based on Error Analysis.20.462012
Energy and reserve provision dispatch considering distributed generation and demand response10.372012
Multi-agent Simulation of Continental, Regional, and Micro Electricity Markets10.352012
Intelligent supervisory control system for home devices using a cyber physical approach70.652012
A regulatory framework for short-term stochastic maintenance outage scheduling in smart grids10.372012
MASCEM: Electricity Markets Simulation with Strategic Agents393.382011
Strategic bidding methodology for electricity markets using adaptive learning50.692011
An optimal scheduling problem in distribution networks considering V2G.141.442011
Genetic algorithm methodology applied to intelligent house control91.902011
Bid Definition Method for Electricity Markets Based on an Adaptive Multiagent System30.462011
A multi-agent system for the support of producer coalition formation in electricity markets00.342008
Virtual Power Producers Integration Into Mascem00.342007