Dept. of Mech. Eng., Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, USA#TAB#
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An Approximation Algorithm for an Assisted Shortest Path Problem00.342021
Optimal UAV Route Planning for Persistent Monitoring Missions10.352021
Min-Max Task Assignment and Sequencing with Heterogeneous Unmanned Vehicles00.342021
S$^*$: A Heuristic Information-Based Approximation Framework for Multi-Goal Path Finding00.342021
An Approximation Algorithm For A Task Allocation, Sequencing And Scheduling Problem Involving A Human-Robot Team00.342020
Primal-Dual 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Monotonic Multiple Depot Heterogeneous Traveling Salesman Problem.00.342020
Single Vehicle Localization And Routing In Gps-Denied Environments Using Range-Only Measurements10.362020
Lateral Control Of An Autonomous Car With Limited Preview Information00.342019
Reducing Time Headway In Homogeneous Cacc Vehicle Platoons In The Presence Of Packet Drops00.342019
Multi-objective framework for process mean selection and price differentiation with leakage effects under price-dependent stochastic demand00.342019
Mixed-integer programming models for optimal constellation scheduling given cloud cover uncertainty.10.362019
Cooperative Aerial-Ground Vehicle Route Planning With Fuel Constraints for Coverage Applications.30.372019
Near-Optimal Path Planning for a Car-Like Robot Visiting a Set of Waypoints With Field of View Constraints00.342018
Infrastructure Enabled Autonomy: A Distributed Intelligence Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles.10.402018
A Two-Stage Approach for Routing Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Stochastic Fuel Consumption.00.342018
A Distributed Hybrid Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation framework for Infrastructure Enabled Autonomy.00.342018
Persistent Monitoring of Dynamically Changing Environments Using an Unmanned Vehicle.00.342018
Tightly Bounding the Shortest Dubins Paths Through a Sequence of Points.10.352017
Algorithms for Heterogeneous, Multiple Depot, Multiple Unmanned Vehicle Path Planning Problems.60.472017
Analysis of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Formulations for a Fuel-Constrained Multiple Vehicle Routing Problem30.372017
GPS Denied UAV Routing with Communication Constraints.10.372016
Algorithms for a Satellite Constellation scheduling Problem00.342016
A primal-dual approximation algorithm for a two depot heterogeneous traveling salesman problem10.372016
Lower Bounds For A Vehicle Routing Problem With Motion Constraints10.352015
Shortest Paths of Bounded Curvature for the Dubins Interval Problem00.342015
On Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity Of Networks For Various Engineering Applications40.472015
A Tight Lower Bounding Procedure for the Dubins Traveling Salesman Problem30.402015
Multiobjective Departure Runway Scheduling Using Dynamic Programming40.442014
Multiple depot ring star problem: a polyhedral study and an exact algorithm.50.462014
Computation of lower bounds for a multiple depot, multiple vehicle routing problem with motion constraints.10.352013
Greedy-Heuristic-Aided Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Approach for Arrival Scheduling.00.342013
Algorithms for Routing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in the presence of Refueling Depots241.292013
Route planning algorithms for unmanned aerial vehicles with refueling constraints80.602012
3-Approximation algorithm for a two depot, heterogeneous traveling salesman problem.60.592012
Approximation algorithms for multiple terminal, Hamiltonian path problems.40.452012
A Primal Dual Algorithm for a Heterogeneous Traveling Salesman Problem00.342011
3/2-approximation algorithm for two variants of a 2-depot Hamiltonian path problem10.372010
Today's Traveling Salesman Problem.50.482010
An approximation algorithm for a 2-depot, heterogeneous vehicle routing problem00.342009
A transformation for a multiple depot, multiple traveling salesman problem140.882009
A Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multivehicle Systems With Nonholonomic Constraints582.852007
Autonomous Searching and Tracking of a River using an UAV170.992007
An approximation algorithm for a symmetric Generalized Multiple Depot, Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem221.592007
Combinatorial Motion Planning Of Multiple Vehicle Systems20.452006
Vision Based Following Of Locally Linear Structures Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle181.272005