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Spatial Information Technology - Past, Present, Future.00.342020
Deriving the Geographic Footprint of Cognitive Regions.00.342016
A Computational Model for Context and Spatial Concepts.00.342016
Korpusanalyse in der computergestützten Komparatistik.00.342016
Auf der Suche nach dem erfüllten Raum - Digitale Korpusanalyse in der Literaturwissenschaft am Beispiel von Ilse Aichinger.00.342015
A Semantic Region Growing Algorithm: Extraction of Urban Settings.00.342015
Exploiting Linked Spatial Data and Granularity Transformations.00.342014
Four-Dimensional Representation in Human Cognition and Difficulties with Demonstrations: A Commentary on Wang.20.642014
Select The Appropriate Map Depending On Context In A Hilbert Space Model (Scop)20.412013
Design Principles for Spatio-Temporally Enabled PIM Tools: A Qualitative Analysis of Trip Planning.50.492013
Cognitive Transactions - A Communication Model.30.432013
Combining Trip and Task Planning: How to Get from A to Passport.70.532012
Using a modified invasive weed optimization algorithm for a personalized urban multi-criteria path optimization problem.160.712012
Tolerance geometry: Euclid's first postulate for points and lines with extension10.412010
A simplex-based approach to implement dimension independent spatial analyses80.762010
Intersection of Nonconvex Polygons Using the Alternate Hierarchical Decomposition.10.352010
Composing models of geographic physical processes10.362009
Why Is Cartographic Generalization So Hard?00.342009
Multi-cultural Aspects of Spatial Knowledge00.342009
Toward a Method to Generally Describe Physical Spatial Processes10.372008
Analysis of dependence of decision quality on data quality10.352008
Lifting Imprecise Values10.362008
An operation-independent approach to extend 2D spatial operations to 3D and moving objects10.392008
Information Processes Produce Imperfections in Data-The Information Infrastructure Compensates for Them10.362008
Shortest Path in a Combined Public Transportation Network00.342008
An ontological structure for semantic interoperability of GIS and environmental modeling90.612008
Spatial Rules Generate Urban Patterns: Emergence of the Small-World Network10.402008
Geographic Information Science, 5th International Conference, GIScience 2008, Park City, UT, USA, September 23-26, 2008. Proceedings231.462008
A Mathematical Tool to Extend 2D Spatial Operations to Higher Dimensions60.562008
Towards a Mathematical Theory for Snapshot and Temporal Formal Ontologies10.362007
Data quality ontology: an ontology for imperfect knowledge60.592007
A mobile computing approach for navigation purposes10.362006
Distinctions Produce a Taxonomic Lattice: Are These the Units of Mentalese?40.442006
Geographic Information Science, 4th International Conference, GIScience 2006, Münster, Germany, September 20-23, 2006, Proceedings232.172006
3D Modeling Moving Objects under Uncertainty Conditions00.342006
Map algebra extended with functors for temporal data130.922005
Processes in a cadastre50.842004
Spatio-Temporal Databases: The CHOROCHRONOS Approach643.212003
Ontology for Spatio-temporal Databases252.422003
Neighborhood Relations between Fields with Applications to Cellular Networks00.342001
Spatial and Cognitive Simulation with Multi-agent Systems191.232001
Tiers Of Ontology And Consistency Constraints In Geographical Information Systems523.532001
A Semantic Map as Basis for the Decision Process in the www Navigation20.442001
Topology in Raster and Vector Representation242.502000
Spatial Communication with Maps: Defining the Correctness of Maps Using a Multi-Agent Simulation60.772000
Part 4 Technology and the future of GIS and spatial analysis30.572000
Influence of estimation errors on wayfinding-decisions in unknown street networks – analyzing the least-angle strategy171.662000
On the design of formal theories of geographic space30.431999
Functional Extensions of a Raster Representation for Topological Relations30.391999
Chorochronos: a research network for spatiotemporal database systems3024.561999
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