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CrowdSLR - a tool to support the use of crowdsourcing in systematic literature reviews.00.342021
Synthesizing researches on Knowledge Management and Agile Software Development using the Meta-ethnography method00.342021
Secondary Studies in the Academic Context: A Systematic Mapping and Survey00.342020
Reducing efforts of software engineering systematic literature reviews updates using text classification10.412020
Extraction of Useful Information from Unstructured Data in Software Engineering - A Systematic Mapping.00.342020
Comparing Graph-Based Algorithms to Generate Test Cases from Finite State Machines.20.382019
A Platform for Collaborative Historical Research based on Volunteered Geographical Information.00.342018
Evaluating strategies for forward snowballing application to support secondary studies updates: emergent results.00.342018
An approach to evaluate large-scale ICT training interventions10.352018
An Empirical Study on the Knowledge Management Practice in Software Testing.00.342018
Defining Protocols of Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering: A Survey00.342017
ROoST: Reference Ontology on Software Testing.20.452017
Analyzing The Use Of Concept Maps In Computer Science: A Systematic Mapping Study10.412017
Adopting Fuzzy Technique To Save Energy In Smart Home Control System10.372017
H-Switch Cover: a new test criterion to generate test case from finite state machines40.382017
Analysing the use of Graphical Abstracts to Support Study Selection in Secondary Studies.00.342017
Pauliceia 2.0: a computational platform for collaborative historical research.00.342017
On Proposing a Test Oracle Generator Based on Static and Dynamic Source Code Analysis00.342015
Towards A Wide Acceptance Of Formal Methods To The Design Of Safety Critical Software: An Approach Based On Uml And Model Checking10.372015
Estimation of UAV position with use of thermal infrared images00.342015
Transformation Of Uml Behavioral Diagrams To Support Software Model Checking10.372014
Tool support for generating model-based test cases via web20.352014
Social Networks Analysis and Participation in Learning Environments to Digital Inclusion Based on Large-Scale Distance Education00.342014
Employing online social networks to monitor and evaluate training of digital inclusion agents.10.352013
An Optimization Model for Allocation of Network Users in Macro-femto Networks - An Approach based on Energy Efficiency and Quality of Service.00.342012
Generating model-based test cases from natural language requirements for space application software231.072012
Wireless Mesh Networks Planning based on Parameters of Quality of Service.00.342012
A Visualization Tool for Analyzing the Design of Physical and Network Layers Parameters of a Wireless Network.00.342012
TSML: A XML-based Format for Exchange of Training Samples for Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing Images.00.342010
Obtaining a Continuous Time Markov Decision Process from Statecharts00.342009
Test Case Generation for Critical Systems through a Collaborative Web-Based Tool20.362008
Uma Proposta de Modelagem para a Generalização de Elos de Rastreabilidade.00.342008
WEB-PerformCharts: a collaborative web-based tool for test case generation from statecharts20.362008
A Markovian Performance Model for Resource Allocation Scheduling on GNU/Linux00.342006
Performance evaluation based on system modeling using Statecharts extensions40.502005
On proposing a Markup Language for Statecharts to be used in Performance Evaluation10.402004