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A Metrics-based Method for Evaluating Corridors for Urban Air Mobility Operations00.342022
An energy-based flight planning system for unmanned traffic management.00.342017
In Pursuit of the Happy Transit Rider: Dissecting Satisfaction Using Daily Surveys and Tracking Data10.452016
Interaction between scale and scheduling choices in simulations of spatial agents.10.352016
System Time Distribution Of Dynamic Traveling Repairman Problem Under The Part-N-Tsp Policy10.372015
Cloud Computing In Space10.422015
Analyzing Animal Movement Characteristics From Location Data00.342015
Quantified Traveler: Travel Feedback Meets the Cloud to Change Behavior60.722015
A runtime system for logical-space programming.00.342015
Modeling and controlling the structure of heterogeneous mobile robotic systems: A bigactor approach20.412013
BigActors: a model for structure-aware computation120.762013
Predicting Driver Destination Using Machine Learning Techniques50.472013
A Cyber-physical Systems Approach to the Design of Vehicle Safety Networks10.372012
Cyber-physical cloud computing: The binding and migration problem50.472012
Collaborative High Accuracy Localization in Mobile Multipath Environments50.482012
Implementation and evaluation of scalable vehicle-to-vehicle safety communication control.20.362011
Real-time tracking of linear processes over an AWGN channel without feedback: The MMSE optimality of the innovation encoder.00.342011
Scalable Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems: Adaptive Inter-Vehicle Communication10.362011
Scaling Laws for Cooperative Node Localization in Non-Line-of-Sight Wireless Networks10.352011
Analysis of Information Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks With Application to Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems.813.532011
Implementation and evaluation of scalable Vehicle-to-Vehicle transmission control protocol.20.662010
3/2-approximation algorithm for two variants of a 2-depot Hamiltonian path problem10.372010
Information-acquisition-as-a-service for cyber-physical cloud computing170.712010
Design of cooperative vehicle safety systems based on tight coupling of communication, computing and physical vehicle dynamics281.262010
Adaptive intervehicle communication control for cooperative safety systems1166.072010
Crowd Sourcing Indoor Maps with Mobile Sensors.60.542010
Making indoor maps with portable accelerometer and magnetometer50.542010
Fair scheduling for real-time multimedia support in IEEE 802.16 wireless access networks30.392010
Congestion Control Based On Channel Occupancy In Vehicular Broadcast Networks261.392010
Multichannel Medium Access Control for Dedicated Short-Range Communications322.222009
Information dissemination control for cooperative active safety applications in vehicular ad-hoc networks192.342009
Analysis of aggregated power level and rate-power control designs for status update messages in VANETs40.842009
Robustness Evaluation of Decentralized Self-Information Dissemination Control Algorithms for VANET Tracking Applications.50.802009
The connected traveler: using location and personalization on mobile devices to improve transportation40.472009
Stability bounds on entropy rate for real-time tracking an unstable LTI process over a multi-access network.00.342009
Agent-Based Simulation of Urban Residential Dynamics and Land Rent Change in a Gentrifying Area of Boston60.542008
Decentralized error-dependent transmission control for model-based estimation over a multi-access network30.692008
Decentralized Control Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Collaborative Sensing Missions171.092007
Reducing the Communication Required By DSRC-Based Vehicle Safety Systems312.892007
Geospatial Agents, Agents Everywhere . . 30.862007
A Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multivehicle Systems With Nonholonomic Constraints582.852007
Autonomous Searching and Tracking of a River using an UAV170.992007
Medium Access Control Protocol Design for Vehicle–Vehicle Safety Messages556.632007
Kalman Filter-Based Integration of DGPS and Vehicle Sensors for Localization211.392007
A multi-channel VANET providing concurrent safety and commercial services437.852005
Distributing synchronous programs using bounded queues20.472005
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, VANET 2005, Cologne, Germany, September 2, 20051612.202005
Vision Based Following Of Locally Linear Structures Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle181.272005
Architecture and Application Abstractions for Multi-Agent Collaboration Projects30.532005
An H∞ approach to networked control.251.892005
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