Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
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Research Report: Progress on Building a File Observatory for Secure Parser Development00.342022
Many-To-English Machine Translation Tools, Data, And Pretrained Models00.342021
Research Report: Building a File Observatory for Secure Parser Development20.412021
Research Report: Building a Wide Reach Corpus for Secure Parser Development20.412020
MARVIN: An Open Machine Learning Corpus and Environment for Automated Machine Learning Primitive Annotation and Execution.00.342018
An Approach for Automatic and Large Scale Image Forensics.10.392017
Scalable Hadoop-Based Pooled Time Series of Big Video Data from the Deep Web.10.352017
An Automated Approach for Information and Referral of Social Services Using Machine Learning00.342017
Measurement Context Extraction from Text: Discovering Opportunities and Gaps in Earth Science.00.342017
Ensemble Maximum Entropy Classification and Linear Regression for Author Age Prediction00.342017
A topical evaluation and discussion of data movement technologies for data-intensive scientific applications10.402016
Scalable Pooled Time Series of Big Video Data from the Deep Web.00.342016
Scispark: Highly Interactive In-Memory Science Data Analytics10.402016
An Automatic Approach for Discovering and Geocoding Locations in Domain-Specific Web Data (Application Paper).00.342016
Clustering Web Pages Based on Structure and Style Similarity (Application Paper).00.342016
Creating a Mars Target Encyclopedia by Extracting Information from the Planetary Science Literature.00.342016
A Revisiting of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Grid00.342015
DRAT: An Unobtrusive, Scalable Approach to Large Scale Software License Analysis.00.342015
SciSpark: Applying in-memory distributed computing to weather event detection and tracking90.552015
Exploring a graph theory based algorithm for automated identification and characterization of large mesoscale convective systems in satellite datasets.30.502015
Revisiting the Anatomy and Physiology of the Grid20.372015
Enabling Linguistic Analysis of Scientific Metadata through Internationalizing NASA JPL's PODAAC00.342015
TREC Dynamic Domain: Polar Science.10.362015
Extending Spark Analytics through Tika-Based Information Extraction and Retrieval00.342015
Cloud computing and virtualization within the regional climate model and evaluation system.40.462014
Computing in Astronomy: To See the Unseen20.492014
Cultivating a research agenda for data science10.412014
24 Hour near real time processing and computation for the JPL Airborne Snow Observatory00.342014
A Laboratory-Targeted, Data Management and Processing System for the Early Detection Research Network00.342014
Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples00.342014
Public infrastructure for cancer biomarker data capture, annotation, analysis, and distribution.00.342013
A Middleware Platform for Providing Mobile and Embedded Computing Instruction to Software Engineering Students00.342012
Developing an open source strategy for NASA earth science data systems30.392012
Developing An Open Source, Reusable Platform For Distributed Collaborative Information Management In The Early Detection Research Network10.362012
A simple model illustrating the virtue of replication for long-term information preservation.00.342012
Workshop on software engineering for cloud computing (SECLOUD 2011)20.432011
Understanding architectural tradeoffs necessary to increase climate model intercomparison efficiency60.482010
Reuse of software assets for the NASA Earth science decadal survey missions40.462010
Kadre: domain-specific architectural recovery for scientific software systems00.342010
Injecting software architectural constraints into legacy scientific applications40.412009
Scientific digital libraries, interoperability, and ontologies00.342009
Ontology-based information model development for science information reuse and integration30.682009
A Distributed Computing Infrastructure for the Evaluation of Climate Models Using NASA Observational Data00.342009
Scientific Software as Workflows: From Discovery to Distribution130.572008
Exploiting connector knowledge to efficiently disseminate highly voluminous data sets10.352008
A Framework for the Assessment and Selection of Software Components and Connectors in COTS-Based Architectures80.792007
Software Connectors for Highly Distributed and Voluminous Data Intensive Systems30.402006
A software architecture-based framework for highly distributed and data intensive scientific applications432.802006
Unlocking the grid80.632005
Leveraging architectural models to inject trust into software systems471.012005
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