Univ Paris 06, Inst Pierre Simon Laplace, Lab Oceanog & Climat Experimentat & Approches Num, Unite Mixte Rech,Ctr Natl Rech Sci,Inst Rech Dev,, F-75252 Paris, France
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SMOS Level 3 Salinity Maps at CATDS - What do We Learn with Recent Reprocessings?00.342021
Seawater Dielectric Constant At L-Band - How Consistent Are New Parametrisations Inferred from Smos and Laboratory Measurements?00.342021
Correcting Sea Surface Temperature Spurious Effects in Salinity Retrieved From Spaceborne L-Band Radiometer Measurements00.342021
A Follow-Up for the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission.00.342021
Results Of The Dragon 4 Project On New Ocean Remote Sensing Data For Operational Applications00.342021
CCI+SSS, A New SMOS L2 Reprocessing Reduces Errors on Sea Surface Salinity Time Series.00.342021
Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity: Comparison of Satellite and In Situ Observations and Impact of Retrieval Parameters.00.342019
SMOS-HR: A High Resolution L-Band Passive Radiometer for Earth Science and Applications00.342019
Sea surface salinity signatures of tropical instability waves: New evidences from SMOS00.342014
Biases Between Measured and Simulated SMOS Brightness Temperatures Over Ocean: Influence of Sun30.392013
Large scale variability of SMOS sea surface salinity in 2010 and 2011: Ocean variability and other effects00.342012
Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity From CAROLS L-Band Radiometer in the Gulf of Biscay30.522012
Optimization of L-Band Sea Surface Emissivity Models Deduced From SMOS Data70.622012
On systematic biases between modeled and measured SMOS brightness temperature00.342012
First Assessment of SMOS Data Over Open Ocean: Part I - Pacific Ocean.90.912012
First Assessment of SMOS Data Over Open Ocean: Part II - Sea Surface Salinity.171.542012
Overview of the First SMOS Sea Surface Salinity Products. Part I: Quality Assessment for the Second Half of 201060.642012
Validation of SMOS measurements over ocean and improvement of sea surface emissivity modelat L band00.342011
The SMOS Mission: New Tool for Monitoring Key Elements ofthe Global Water Cycle24918.552010
Overview Of Smos Level 2 Ocean Salinity Processing And First Results30.442010
SMOS: The Challenging Sea Surface Salinity Measurement From Space737.522010
Overview of the SMOS Sea Surface Salinity Prototype Processor.383.042008
SMOS sea surface salinity prototype processor: Algorithm validation00.342007
Vertical Variability Of Sea Surface Salinity And Influence On L-Band Brightness Temperature00.342007
Issues About Retrieving Sea Surface Salinity in Coastal Areas From SMOS Data121.312007
ARGO Upper Salinity Measurements: Perspectives for L-Band Radiometers Calibration and Retrieved Sea Surface Salinity Validation101.072006
The WISE 2000 and 2001 field experiments in support of the SMOS mission: sea surface L-band brightness temperature observations and their application to sea surface salinity retrieval.577.622004
Wind speed effect on L-band brightness temperature inferred from EuroSTARRS and WISE 2001 field experiments191.752004
Uncertainties On Salinity Retrieved From Smos Measurements Over Global Ocean10.992003
Sea state influence on L-band emissivity in various fetch conditions00.342002
Errors on surface salinity retrieved from SMOS measurements over global ocean20.922002
L-band sea surface emissivity : measurements versus model comparison00.342002
Sea surface emissivity observations at L-band: first results of the Wind and Salinity Experiment WISE 20002210.822002