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Position-Based Matching with Multi-Modal Preferences.00.342022
Constrained Stable Marriage with Free Edges or Few Blocking Pairs.00.342021
Sorting A Permutation By Best Short Swaps00.342021
Parameterized Complexity of Shift Bribery in Iterative Elections00.342020
A 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Complementary Maximal Strip Recovery Problem.00.342019
On the complexity of bribery with distance restrictions.00.342019
Can a permutation be sorted by best short swaps?.00.342018
On the kernelization of split graph problems.00.342018
ID Repair for Trajectories with Transition Graphs.00.342018
An Optimal Algorithm For Small Group Multicast In Wireless Sensor Networks00.342018
Parameterized Complexity of Voter Control in Multi-Peaked Elections.00.342018
The control complexity of r-approval: from the single-peaked case to the general case80.462017
Parameterized Complexity of Winner Determination in Minimax Committee Elections.10.372016
How Hard is Bribery in Party Based Elections?30.392015
An effective branching strategy based on structural relationship among multiple forbidden induced subgraphs10.352015
Parameterized Complexity of Control and Bribery for d-Approval Elections.20.382015
How Hard is Control in Multi-Peaked Elections: A Parameterized Study80.462015
Parameterized Algorithmics for Computational Social Choice: Nine Research Challenges.180.772014
Controlling Two-Stage Voting Rules.10.352014
On Star-Cover and Path-Cover of a Tree.00.342014
Complexity of Disjoint Π-Vertex Deletion for Disconnected Forbidden Subgraphs.10.362014
Parameterized complexity of Max-lifetime Target Coverage in wireless sensor networks130.592014
How Credible is the Prediction of a Party-Based Election?30.492014
Multiple graph edit distance: simultaneous topological alignment of multiple protein-protein interaction networks with an evolutionary algorithm80.462014
Local search for string problems: Brute-force is essentially optimal00.342014
Controlling elections with bounded single-peaked width.120.562014
Algorithms for parameterized maximum agreement forest problem on multiple trees.50.452014
Efficient Large-scale bicluster editing.00.342014
An Effective Branching Strategy for Some Parameterized Edge Modification Problems with Multiple Forbidden Induced Subgraphs.10.392013
Parameterized complexity of Min-power multicast problems in wireless ad hoc networks70.512013
Complexity of Sincere-Strategy Preference-Based Approval Control in k-Peaked Elections10.352013
Neighborhood-Preserving mapping between trees00.342013
NABEECO: biological network alignment with bee colony optimization algorithm30.382013
Covering tree with stars20.372013
Possible Winner Problems on Partial Tournaments: A Parameterized Study.20.382013
Exact algorithms for weighted and unweighted borda manipulation problems20.372013
Planar graph vertex partition for linear problem kernels140.712013
The parameterized complexity of local search for TSP, more refined30.382013
Kernelization and Parameterized Complexity of Star Editing and Union Editing.00.342012
A Quadratic Vertex Kernel for Feedback Arc Set in Bipartite Tournaments20.362012
Data Reduction and Problem Kernels (Dagstuhl Seminar 12241).70.482012
Integrated Simultaneous Analysis Of Different Biomedical Data Types With Exact Weighted Bi-Cluster Editing10.362012
Complexity and parameterized algorithms for Cograph Editing140.702012
Editing Graphs into Disjoint Unions of Dense Clusters100.582011
On the parameterized complexity of consensus clustering20.372011
Average parameterization and partial kernelization for computing medians170.752011
A Complexity Dichotomy for Finding Disjoint Solutions of Vertex Deletion Problems80.582011
Parameterized Complexity of Arc-Weighted Directed Steiner Problems40.402011
Cograph editing: complexity and parameterized algorithms60.532011
An improved kernel for planar connected dominating set50.492011
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