Department of Computer Languages and Systems
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A section identification tool: Towards HL7 CDA/CCR standardization in Spanish discharge summaries00.342021
MEDIA team - CLEF-2020 eHealth Task 1 - Multilingual Information Extraction - CodiEsp.00.342020
IxaMed at eHealth-KD Challenge 2019 - Using Different Paradigms to Solve Clinical Relation Extraction.00.342019
Interpretable Deep Learning to Map Diagnostic Texts to ICD10 Codes20.432019
IxaMed at PharmacoNER Challenge 2019.00.342019
Automatic Misogyny Identification Using Neural Networks.00.342018
IxaMed at CLEF eHealth 2018 Task 1: ICD10 Coding with a Sequence-to-Sequence Approach.00.342018
Inferred joint multigram models for medical term normalization according to ICD.10.362018
Ensembles for clinical entity extraction.00.342018
Saying no but meaning yes: negation and sentiment analysis in Basque.00.342018
A Hybrid Approach For Automatic Disability Annotation.00.342018
Sentitegi: Semi-Manually Created Semantic Oriented Basque Lexicon For Sentiment Analysis00.342018
Cardiology record multi-label classification using latent Dirichlet allocation.10.362018
PROcesamiento Semántico textual Avanzado para la detección de diagnósticos, procedimientos, otros conceptos y sus relaciones en informes MEDicos (PROSA-MED).00.342017
Semi-supervised medical entity recognition: A study on Spanish and Swedish clinical corpora.30.392017
The impact of simple feature engineering in multilingual medical NER.00.342016
Document-level adverse drug reaction event extraction on electronic health records in Spanish.30.422016
Clinical Text Mining For Efficient Extraction Of Drug-Allergy Reactions00.342016
Ixamed-Ie: On-Line Medical Entity Identification And Adr Event Extraction In Spanish00.342016
Fully unsupervised low-dimensional representation of adverse drug reaction events through distributional semantics.00.342016
Learning to extract adverse drug reaction events from electronic health records in Spanish.60.462016
Lexical semantics, Basque and Spanish in QTLeap: Quality Translation by Deep Language Engineering Approaches00.342015
EXTracción de RElaciones entre Conceptos Médicos en fuentes de información heterogéneas (EXTRECM)00.342015
On the creation of a clinical gold standard corpus in Spanish: Mining adverse drug reactions.30.362015
Computer aided classification of diagnostic terms in spanish10.402015
IxaMed: Applying Freeling and a Perceptron Sequential Tagger at the Shared Task on Analyzing Clinical Texts50.462014
The Aid Of Machine Learning To Overcome The Classification Of Real Health Discharge Reports Written In Spanish00.342014
On Wordnet Semantic Classes And Dependency Parsing20.372014
Adverse Drug Event prediction combining shallow analysis and machine learning30.432014
Exploiting the Contribution of Morphological Information to Parsing: the BASQUE TEAM system in the SPRML'2013 Shared Task30.442013
Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: A Cross-Framework Evaluation of Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages210.872013
Automatic Annotation of Medical Records in Spanish with Disease, Drug and Substance Names.110.642013
First Approaches on Spanish Medical Record Classification Using Diagnostic Term to Class Transduction20.372012
Combining Rule-Based and Statistical Syntactic Analyzers.00.342012
Testing the effect of morphological disambiguation in dependency parsing of Basque30.442011
Improving dependency parsing with semantic classes210.782011
Using Kybots for extracting events in biomedical texts60.512011
Biomedical Event Extraction Using Kybots00.342011
Syntactic error detection and correction in date expressions using finite-state transducers00.342011
Application of different techniques to dependency parsing of Basque120.642010
Design and evaluation of an agreement error detection system: testing the effect of ambiguity, parser and corpus type10.382010
Recursos en euskera para la herramienta NLTK para enseñanza de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.00.342010
Evaluating the Impact of Morphosyntactic Ambiguity in Grammatical Error Detection.10.372009
KYOTO Project.00.342009
Exploring Treebank Transformations in Dependency Parsing.81.032009
Application of feature propagation to dependency parsing40.452009
Detecting Erroneous Uses of Complex Postpositions in an Agglutinative Language30.462008
Desarrollo de un Analizador Sintáctico Estadístico basado en Dependencias para el Euskera.20.452007
Migración de una gramática sintáctica parcial entre dos formalismos de unificación.00.342006
Design and Development of a System for the Detection of Agreement Errors in Basque50.572005
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