University of Maryland, College Park, MD
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Studying effectiveness of Web search for fact checking00.342022
Overview of the CLEF-2021 CheckThat! Lab Task 1 on Check-Worthiness Estimation in Tweets and Political Debates.00.342021
Overview of the CLEF-2021 CheckThat! Lab Task 2 on Detecting Previously Fact-Checked Claims in Tweets and Political Debates.00.342021
Automated Fact-Checking for Assisting Human Fact-Checkers.00.342021
Embeddings-Based Clustering for Target Specific Stances: The Case of a Polarized Turkey00.342021
Overview of CheckThat! 2020: Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims in Social Media20.422020
Annotator Rationales For Labeling Tasks In Crowdsourcing00.342020
ArTest: The First Test Collection for Arabic Web Search with Relevance Rationales00.342020
Finding the Best of Two Worlds: Faster and More Robust Top-k Document Retrieval10.362020
Are We Ready for this Disaster? Towards Location Mention Recognition from Crisis Tweets.00.342020
bigIR at TREC 2020 - Simple but Deep Retrieval of Passages and Documents.00.342020
Can We Build a Search Engine over Spark?00.342020
HBKU at TREC 2020 - Conversational Multi-Stage Retrieval with Pseudo-Relevance Feedback.00.342020
Report on the 2nd ACM SIGIR/SIGKDD Africa school on machine learning for data mining and search00.342020
Why is That a Background Article: A Qualitative Analysis of Relevance for News Background Linking00.342020
AyaTEC: Building a Reusable Verse-Based Test Collection for Arabic Question Answering on the Holy Qur’an10.352020
Improving Arabic Microblog Retrieval with Distributed Representations.00.342019
bigIR at TREC 2019 - Graph-based Analysis for News Background Linking.00.342019
LA3: a scalable link- and locality-aware linear algebra-based graph analytics system30.402018
Overview of the CLEF-2018 CheckThat! Lab on Automatic Identification and Verification of Political Claims. Task 2: Factuality.10.362018
LA3: A Scalable Link- and Locality-Aware Linear Algebra-Based Graph Analytics System.00.342018
Intelligent topic selection for low-cost information retrieval evaluation: A New perspective on deep vs. shallow judging.40.432018
Overview of the CLEF-2018 CheckThat! Lab on Automatic Identification and Verification of Political Claims.50.462018
DART: A Large Dataset of Dialectal Arabic Tweets.00.342018
Crowd vs. Expert: What Can Relevance Judgment Rationales Teach Us About Assessor Disagreement?10.352018
Devam vs. Tamam: 2018 Turkish Elections.00.342018
EveTAR: building a large-scale multi-task test collection over Arabic tweets20.362018
Mix and Match: Collaborative Expert-Crowd Judging for Building Test Collections Accurately and Affordably.00.342018
Overview of the CLEF-2018 CheckThat! Lab on Automatic Identification and Verification of Political Claims. Task 1: Check-Worthiness.00.342018
Efficient Test Collection Construction via Active Learning10.352018
Learning to Effectively Select Topics For Information Retrieval Test Collections.10.382017
Query performance prediction for microblog search.30.372017
QweetFinder: Real-Time Finding and Filtering of Question Tweets.00.342017
Exploiting Live Feedback for Tweet Real-time Push Notifications.00.342017
QU-BIGIR at SemEval 2017 Task 3: Using Similarity Features for Arabic Community Question Answering Forums.00.342017
The Many Benefits of Annotator Rationales for Relevance Judgments.10.352017
ArabicWeb16: A New Crawl for Today's Arabic Web.20.372016
Unsupervised adaptive microblog filtering for broad dynamic topics.70.502016
QU-IR at SemEval 2016 Task 3: Learning to Rank on Arabic Community Question Answering Forums with Word Embedding.20.372016
EveTAR: A New Test Collection for Event Detection in Arabic Tweets.20.352016
Why Is That Relevant? Collecting Annotator Rationales for Relevance Judgments.10.342016
Light-weight, Conservative, yet Effective: Scalable Real-time Tweet Summarization.00.342016
Real, Live, and Concise: Answering Open-Domain Questions with Word Embedding and Summarization.00.342016
What Questions Do Journalists Ask on Twitter?10.352016
Detecting Automatically-Generated Arabic Tweets10.352015
CloudFlow: A data-aware programming model for cloud workflow applications on modern HPC systems60.522015
Query performance prediction for microblog search: a preliminary study00.342014
Adaptive Method for Following Dynamic Topics on Twitter.100.632014
QU at TREC-2013: Expansion Experiments for Microblog Ad hoc Search.00.342013
No free lunch: brute force vs. locality-sensitive hashing for cross-lingual pairwise similarity130.702011
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