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G-LIME: Statistical learning for local interpretations of deep neural networks using global priors00.342023
Interpretable deep learning: interpretation, interpretability, trustworthiness, and beyond00.342022
OGM: Online gaussian graphical models on the fly00.342022
From Personalized Medicine to Population Health: A Survey of mHealth Sensing Techniques00.342022
GrOD: Deep Learning with Gradients Orthogonal Decomposition for Knowledge Transfer, Distillation, and Adversarial Training00.342022
Parameter-Free Style Projection for Arbitrary Image Style Transfer00.342022
Spatiotemporal Fracture Data Inference in Sparse Urban CrowdSensing00.342022
Machine Learning in Real-Time Internet of Things (IoT) Systems: A Survey00.342022
Face.evoLVe: A cross-platform library for high-performance face analytics00.342022
AutoGCL: Automated Graph Contrastive Learning via Learnable View Generators.00.342022
RGL: A Simple yet Effective Relation Graph Augmented Prompt-based Tuning Approach for Few-Shot Learning.00.342022
Knowledge Distillation with Attention for Deep Transfer Learning of Convolutional Networks00.342022
Exploring the common principal subspace of deep features in neural networks00.342022
COLAM: Co-Learning of Deep Neural Networks and Soft Labels via Alternating Minimization00.342022
Dynamic Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Under Deadline and Sector Capacity Constraints00.342022
From distributed machine learning to federated learning: a survey00.342022
SenseMag : Enabling Low-Cost Traffic Monitoring Using Noninvasive Magnetic Sensing10.372021
Semi-Supervised Active Learning with Temporal Output Discrepancy.00.342021
“In-Network Ensemble”: Deep Ensemble Learning with Diversified Knowledge Distillation00.342021
Idle Duration Prediction for Manufacturing System Using a Gaussian Mixture Model Integrated Neural Network for Energy Efficiency Improvement00.342021
CRLEDD: Regularized Causalities Learning for Early Detection of Diseases Using Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data00.342021
Improving Covariance-Regularized Discriminant Analysis For Ehr-Based Predictive Analytics Of Diseases00.342021
Sampling Sparse Representations with Randomized Measurement Langevin Dynamics00.342021
Rethink the Connections among Generalization, Memorization, and the Spectral Bias of DNNs.00.342021
Generalising Combinatorial Discriminant Analysis Through Conditioning Truncated Rayleigh Flow00.342021
C-Watcher: A Framework For Early Detection Of High-Risk Neighborhoods Ahead Of Covid-19 Outbreak00.342021
An Investigation of Containment Measure Implementation and Public Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mainland China00.342021
Como: Efficient Deep Neural Networks Expansion With Convolutional Maxout10.362021
Modes: Model-Based Optimization On Distributed Embedded Systems00.342021
JIZHI: A Fast and Cost-Effective Model-As-A-Service System for Web-Scale Online Inference at Baidu30.402021
CHASE: Commonsense-Enriched Advertising on Search Engine with Explicit Knowledge00.342021
Agflow: Fast Model Selection Of Penalized Pca Via Implicit Regularization Effects Of Gradient Flow00.342021
Ultrafast Photorealistic Style Transfer via Neural Architecture Search10.352020
Generating Person Images with Appearance-aware Pose Stylizer00.342020
Online barrier-actor-critic learning for control with full-state constraints and input saturation.60.422020
On the Noisy Gradient Descent that Generalizes as SGD00.342020
Neighbours Matter - Image Captioning with Similar Images.00.342020
Priority-based Multi-Flight Path Planning with Uncertain Sector Capacities00.342020
Adaptive singularity-free controller design of constrained nonlinear systems with prescribed performance00.342020
Mp(2)Sda: Multi-Party Parallelized Sparse Discriminant Learning20.342020
RIFLE: Backpropagation in Depth for Deep Transfer Learning through Re-Initializing the Fully-connected LayEr00.342020
DELTA: DEep Learning Transfer using Feature Map with Attention for Convolutional Networks.30.362019
Towards Making Deep Transfer Learning Never Hurt30.392019
Real-time frequency regulation using aggregated electric vehicles in smart grid00.342019
SpHMC: Spectral Hamiltonian Monte Carlo00.342019
EdgeSense: Edge-Mediated Spatial- Temporal Crowdsensing.00.342019
$\mathcal{DBSDA}$ : Lowering the Bound of Misclassification Rate for Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis via Model Debiasing.00.342019
Quasi-potential as an implicit regularizer for the loss function in the stochastic gradient descent.00.342019
A Deep Learning based Illegal Parking Detection Platform.00.342019
Securegbm: Secure Multi-Party Gradient Boosting30.362019
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