University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
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Verification Of Fact Statements With Multiple Truthful Alternatives40.382016
A Sense-Topic Model for Word Sense Induction with Unsupervised Data Enrichment.80.452015
A context-aware approach to detection of short irrelevant texts10.352015
Context Retrieval for Web Tables10.372015
Polarity Consistency Checking for Domain Independent Sentiment Dictionaries20.362015
Rule-based deduplication of article records from bibliographic databases.30.492014
Faceted models of blog feeds00.342013
The Impacts of Structural Difference and Temporality of Tweets on Retrieval Effectiveness10.352013
Polarity consistency checking for sentiment dictionaries70.422012
Categorizing Search Results Using WordNet and Wikipedia.10.352012
Diversionary comments under political blog posts60.462012
A framework for entity resolution with efficient blocking10.382012
T-verifier: Verifying truthfulness of fact statements210.842011
Truthfulness Analysis of Fact Statements Using the Web.00.342011
Deep Web Integration with VisQI.00.342010
Evidence-based medicine, the essential role of systematic reviews, and the need for automated text mining tools120.682010
UIC at TREC 2010 Faceted Blog Distillation.20.382010
A Hierarchical Approach to Model Web Query Interfaces for Web Source Integration.00.342009
Stop Word and Related Problems in Web Interface Integration.00.342009
A hierarchical approach to model web query interfaces for web source integration411.482009
Improve the effectiveness of the opinion retrieval and opinion polarity classification180.992008
UIC at TREC 208 Blog Track100.662008
Annotating Structured Data Of The Deep Web220.842007
Mining templates from search result records of search engines251.042007
MySearchView: a customized metasearch engine generator00.342007
Knowledge-intensive conceptual retrieval and passage extraction of biomedical literature512.422007
Clustering e-commerce search engines based on their search interface pages using WISE-cluster100.632006
UIC at TREC 2007 Blog Track40.442006
Merging Source Query Interfaces onWeb Databases180.902006
A Concept-Based Framework for Passage Retrieval at Genomics120.712006
Fully automatic wrapper generation for search engines1595.562005
Experiment Report of TREC 2005 Genomics Track ad hoc Retrieval Task10.472005
Bootstrapping domain ontology for semantic web services from source web sites201.342005
Mining officially unrecognized side effects of drugs by combining web search and machine learning00.342005
Database selection in intranet mediators for natural language queries00.342005
WISE-Integrator: a system for extracting and integrating complex web search interfaces of the deep web220.842005
Robust content-based image indexing using contextual clues and automatic pseudofeedback00.342004
WISE-cluster: clustering e-commerce search engines automatically120.782004
Distributed top-N query processing with possibly uncooperative local systems281.242003
Haar Wavelets for Efficient Similarity Search of Time-Series: With and Without Time Warping1136.192003
Wise-integrator: an automatic integrator of web search interfaces for E-commerce805.042003
UIC at TREC 2002: Web Track11.172002
Personalized web search by mapping user queries to categories1196.632002
Research activities in database management and information retrieval at University of Illinois at Chicago10.372002
Automatic feedback for content based image retrieval on the Web40.452002
Discovering the representative of a search engine110.722002
A highly scalable and effective method for metasearch171.042001
Efficient and Effective Metasearch for Text Databases Incorporating Linkages among Documents211.392001
Database selection for processing k nearest neighbors queries in distributed environments171.032001
Multiple evidence combination in image retrieval: Diogenes searches for people on the Web212.562000
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