Columbia University
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Integrating Religion, Faith, and Spirituality in HCI00.342022
Interactive Fiction Provotypes for Coping with Interpersonal Racism00.342022
A Storytelling Game to Foster Empathy and Connect Emotionally with Breast Cancer Journeys00.342021
Reducing Uncertainty and Offering Comfort: Designing Technology for Coping with Interpersonal Racism00.342021
Designing a Self-Efficacy Game for Health Literacy in Marginalized Communities00.342021
Leveraging the Twitch Platform and Gamification to Generate Home Audio Datasets00.342021
Mapping Design Spaces for Audience Participation in Game Live Streaming00.342021
Towards Examining The Effects of Live Streaming an Educational Game00.342021
Play for Real(ism) - Using Games to Predict Human-AI interactions in the Real World00.342021
Counterspace Games for BIWOC STEM Students00.342021
Homecoming: Exploring Returns to Long-Term Single Player Games00.342021
Fostering Equitable Help-Seeking for K-3 Students in Low Income and Rural Contexts00.342021
A Socio-Ecological Approach to Activity Games for Girls00.342021
Designing Games for Healthy Sleep00.342020
Envisioning Jewish HCI00.342020
"They Just Don't Get It": Towards Social Technologies for Coping with Interpersonal Racism00.342020
Toward Live Streamed Improvisational Game Experiences00.342020
Designing Interactive Scaffolds to Encourage Reflection on Peer Feedback00.342020
Exploring Hybrid Virtual-Physical Homes00.342020
Proximate Social Factors in First-Time Contribution to Online Communities00.342020
Sharing Multi-User VR Spaces00.342020
Persuasion Invasion: Reducing Bias with Value-Adaptive Instruction00.342020
The Upcycled Home: Removing Barriers to Lightweight Modification of the Home's Everyday Objects10.342020
Identity-Based Roles in Rhizomatic Social Justice Movements on Twitter.00.342020
Hacked Time: Design and Evaluation of a Self-Efficacy Based Cybersecurity Game00.342020
Moving for the Movement: Applying Viewpoints and Composition Techniques to the Design of Online Social Justice Campaigns00.342020
Getting Playful with Explainable AI: Games with a Purpose to Improve Human Understanding of AI10.372020
It Takes a Village: Integrating an Adaptive Chatbot into an Online Gaming Community20.362020
Fictional, Interactive Narrative as a Foundation to Talk about Racism00.342020
A Good Scare - Leveraging Game Theming and Narrative to Impact Player Experience.00.342019
Self-Efficacy-Based Game Design to Encourage Security Behavior Online.10.352019
Toward A Twitch Research Toolkit: A Systematic Review Of Approaches To Research On Game Streaming00.342019
Brick - A Synchronous Multiplayer Augmented Reality Game for Mobile Phones.00.342019
Brick - Toward A Model for Designing Synchronous Colocated Augmented Reality Games.00.342019
Audience and Streamer Participation at Scale on Twitch00.342019
Beyond Dyadic Interactions - Considering Chatbots as Community Members.20.382019
How Guiding Questions Facilitate Feedback Exchange in Project-Based Learning.00.342019
Understanding Family Collaboration Around Lightweight Modification of Everyday Objects in the Home00.342019
Peer Feedback Processes In The Game Industry00.342019
"It Started As A Joke": On The Design Of Idle Games00.342019
All the World (Wide Web)'s a Stage - A Workshop on Live Streaming.00.342019
Larping (Live Action Role Playing) as an Embodied Design Research Method00.342019
How Do English Language Learners Interact with Different Content Types in MOOC Videos?00.342018
A Design Framework for Awareness Cues in Distributed Multiplayer Games60.482018
The Social Roles of Bots: Evaluating Impact of Bots on Discussions in Online Communities.00.342018
CHI 2018 Workshop: Data-Driven Educational Game Design.00.342018
Understanding Gender Equity in Author Order Assignment.00.342018
Design Challenges For Livestreamed Audience Participation Games10.362018
Character Diversity in Digital and Non-Digital Games10.352018
Fitter, Happier, More Productive?: The Normative Ontology of Fitness Trackers.00.342018
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