Heidelberg University
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A Study on Entity Linking Across Domains: Which Data is Best for Fine-Tuning?00.342022
Enhancing Knowledge Bases with Quantity Facts00.342022
CLIN-X: pre-trained language models and a study on cross-task transfer for concept extraction in the clinical domain00.342022
To Share or not to Share - Predicting Sets of Sources for Model Transfer Learning.00.342021
A Survey on Recent Approaches for Natural Language Processing in Low-Resource Scenarios00.342021
FAME - Feature-Based Adversarial Meta-Embeddings for Robust Input Representations.00.342021
NLNDE at CANTEMIST: Neural Sequence Labeling and Parsing Approaches for Clinical Concept Extraction00.342020
Fast Computation of Explanations for Inconsistency in Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs10.352020
Closing the Gap: Joint De-Identification and Concept Extraction in the Clinical Domain00.342020
“A Buster Keaton of Linguistics”: First Automated Approaches for the Extraction of Vossian Antonomasia00.342019
Epitaph or Breaking News? Analyzing and Predicting the Stability of Knowledge Base Properties00.342019
The Power of Temporal Features for Classifying News Articles00.342019
NLNDE - The Neither-Language-Nor-Domain-Experts' Way of Spanish Medical Document De-Identification.00.342019
Generating Semantic Aspects for Queries.00.342018
TempQuestions: A Benchmark for Temporal Question Answering.30.422018
Putting Dates on the Map: Harvesting and Analyzing Street Names with Date Mentions and their Explanations.00.342018
Domain-Sensitive Temporal Tagging By Jannik Strötgen, Michael Gertz (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Heidelberg University) Morgan & Claypool (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, edited by Graeme Hirst, volume 36), 2016, xvii+133 pp; paperback, ISBN 978-1-62705-495-1; ebook, ISBN 978-1-62705-499-7; doi: 10.2200/S00721ED1V01Y201606HLT036, $
Dianed: Time-Aware Named Entity Disambiguation For Diachronic Corpora00.342018
Predicting Document Creation Times in News Citation Networks.00.342018
KRAUTS: A German Temporally Annotated News Corpus.00.342018
CredEye: A Credibility Lens for Analyzing and Explaining Misinformation.40.402018
TEQUILA: Temporal Question Answering over Knowledge Bases.00.342018
A Shared Task for a Shared Goal: Systematic Annotation of Literary Texts.00.342017
All Dates Lead to Rome: Extracting and Explaining Temporal References in Street Names.10.352017
Where the Truth Lies: Explaining the Credibility of Emerging Claims on the Web and Social Media.280.942017
SESAME: European Statistics Explored via Semantic Alignment onto Wikipedia.00.342017
Tiwiki: Searching Wikipedia with Temporal Constraints.00.342017
Diachronic Variation of Temporal Expressions in Scientific Writing Through the Lens of Relative Entropy.00.342017
Temponym Tagging: Temporal Scopes for Textual Phrases.50.512016
GATE-Time: Extraction of Temporal Expressions and Events.00.342016
EventMiner: Mining Events from Annotated Documents.20.362016
As Time Goes By: Comprehensive Tagging of Textual Phrases with Temporal Scopes.110.592016
Credibility Assessment of Textual Claims on the Web.281.222016
DIGITALHISTORIAN: Search & Analytics Using Annotations.10.362016
From Order to Order Switch. Mediating between Complexity and Reproducibility in the Context of Automated Literary Annotation.00.342016
Terms in Time and Times in Context: A Graph-based Term-Time Ranking Model40.482015
A Baseline Temporal Tagger for all Languages150.992015
The Wikipedia location network: overcoming borders and oceans60.472015
A Hybrid Approach to Extract Temporal Signals from Narratives.10.402015
Time and information retrieval: Introduction to the special issue.00.342015
HeidelToul: A Baseline Approach for Cross-document Event Ordering20.372015
Time for More Languages: Temporal Tagging of Arabic, Italian, Spanish, and Vietnamese100.562014
Chinese Temporal Tagging with HeidelTime.70.532014
A Collaborative, Indeterministic and partly Automatized Approach to Text Annotation.00.342014
Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates.30.382014
Computational Narratology: Extracting Tense Clusters from Narrative Texts.30.782014
HeidelTime: Tuning English and Developing Spanish Resources for TempEval-350.472013
EvenPers: Event-based Person Exploration and Correlation.10.422013
Multilingual and cross-domain temporal tagging.742.752013
Proximity2-aware ranking for textual, temporal, and geographic queries20.362013
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