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Model-Based Stealth Attack To Networked Control System Based On Real-Time Ethernet00.342021
Impact of the Measurement Time Resolution on Energy Key Performance Indicators for Distributed Energy Resources: An Experimental Analysis00.342021
Improving Redundancy in LoRaWAN for Mixed-Criticality Scenarios30.422021
Artificial Neural Network-Based Stealth Attack on Battery Energy Storage Systems10.362021
An Evaluation of Low-Cost Self-Localization Service Exploiting Angle of Arrival for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems.00.342021
Simple and robust microcontroller-based acquisition system for differential capacitive sensors.00.342021
Synchronous LoRa Communication by Exploiting Large-Area Out-of-Band Synchronization00.342021
Evaluation of the impact on industrial applications of NTP Used by IoT devices00.342020
Introducing a survey methodology for assessing LoRaWAN coverage in Smart Campus scenarios00.342020
Work-in-Progress: Compromising Security of Real-time Ethernet Devices by means of Selective Queue Saturation Attack00.342020
Evaluation of the impact of Cloud Database services on Industrial IoT Applications.00.342020
LoRaWAN Range Extender for Industrial IoT50.442020
A new LoRaWAN adaptive strategy for smart metering applications00.342020
Performance Evaluation of an evolving data compression algorithm embedded into an OBD-II edge device00.342020
Design of a Time Dissemination System Using Chirp Modulation for Medium Voltage Smart Grid Applications10.382020
Full-analog parasitic capacitance compensation for AC-excited differential sensors00.342020
Hybrid indoor and outdoor localization for elderly care applications with LoRaWAN20.432020
Simple and power efficient interface for AC-excited differential sensors.00.342020
Evaluation of the Use of Class B LoRaWAN for the Coordination of Distributed Interface Protection Systems in Smart Grids00.342020
Introducing a cloud based architecture for the distributed analysis of Real-Time Ethernet traffic00.342020
A Cognitive Strategy For Renovation And Maintenance Of Buildings Through Iot Technology00.342020
Emergency Communication In Iot Scenarios By Means Of A Transparent Lorawan Enhancement00.342020
Proposal of a Hybrid LoRa Mesh / LoRaWAN Network00.342020
An IoT Based Architecture for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Prototype Medical Instruments Applied to Neurodegenerative Disease Diagnosis.10.352019
Performance evaluation of full-cloud and edge-cloud architectures for Industrial IoT anomaly detection based on deep learning10.342019
On the evaluation of application level delays in public LoRaWAN networks10.412019
A Testing Framework for the Monitoring and Performance Analysis of Distributed Energy Systems10.362019
Synchronization Uncertainty Versus Power Efficiency in LoRaWAN Networks40.422019
A test methodology for evaluating architectural delays of LoRaWAN implementations50.492019
Software-based Time Synchronization for Integrating Power Hardware in the Loop Emulation in IEEE1588 Power Profile Testbed00.342019
Scalability Analysis of a LoRa Network under Imperfect Orthogonality.100.572019
On the Use of Class B LoRaWAN for the Coordination of Smart Interface Protection Systems00.342019
Are Cloud Services Aware of Time? An Experimental Analysis oriented to Industry 4.000.342019
Evaluating indoor and outdoor localization services for LoRaWAN in Smart City applications10.372019
Noise Power Estimators in ISM Radio Environments: Performance Comparison and Enhancement Using a Novel Samples Separation Technique.10.342019
Using LPWAN Connectivity for Elderly Activity Monitoring in Smartcity Scenarios.00.342019
Uncertainty Analysis in Time Distribution Mechanisms for OMS Smart Meters: The Last-Mile Time Synchronization Issue30.502019
Lightweight Machine Learning-Based Approach for Supervision of Fitness Workout00.342019
An Experimental Characterization of Time of Arrival Accuracy for Time Synchronization of Medium Voltage Smart Grid Solutions00.342019
A Dependability Evaluation for OBD-II Edge Devices: An Internet of Intelligent Vehicles Perspective00.342019
Exploiting localization systems for LoRaWAN transmission scheduling in industrial applications00.342019
Implementation of a Dependable Smart Device in IoT Era00.342019
Delay Estimation of Industrial IoT Applications Based on Messaging Protocols.60.502018
Autobalancing Analog Front End for Full-Range Differential Capacitive Sensing.40.462018
A Test Bench for Evaluating Communication Delays in LoRaWAnapplications.00.342018
Testing Facility for the Characterization of the Integration of E-Vehicles into Smart Grid in Presence of Renewable Energy.00.342018
Characterization of IP-Based Communication for Smart Grid Using Software-Defined Networking.30.412018
Exploiting Time Synchronization as Side Effect in UWB Real-Time Localization Devices10.352018
Evaluation of Communication Delay in IOT Applications Based on OPCUA.00.342018
Characterization of 1 Gbps fiber optics transceiver for high accuracy synchronization over Ethernet00.342018
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