Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, Università di Salerno, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
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A Reduction Heuristic For The All-Colors Shortest Path Problem00.342021
Grocery Distribution Plans In Urban Networks With Street Crossing Penalties10.362021
Minimum spanning tree with conflicting edge pairs: a branch-and-cut approach10.362021
The Knapsack Problem with Forfeits.00.342020
Contrasting The Spread Of Misinformation In Online Social Networks10.352020
An Adaptive Heuristic Approach To Compute Upper And Lower Bounds For The Close-Enough Traveling Salesman Problem00.342020
Exact approaches for the orderly colored longest path problem: Performance comparison.10.382019
Preface: Special issue on network optimization in transportation, logistics, and industry.00.342019
On the complexity of rainbow spanning forest problem.40.772018
Preface: Theoretical and algorithmic contributions to network optimization problems.00.342018
A two-level metaheuristic for the all colors shortest path problem.00.342018
The rainbow spanning forest problem.30.432018
The Set Orienteering Problem.20.392018
An exact algorithm to extend lifetime through roles allocation in sensor networks with connectivity constraints.70.492017
Exact and heuristic approaches for the maximum lifetime problem in sensor networks with coverage and connectivity constraints.60.412017
Tactical Production and Lot Size Planning with Lifetime Constraints: A Comparison of Model Formulations.00.342017
Improved Upper And Lower Bounds For The Close Enough Traveling Salesman Problem10.362017
An exact approach for the grocery delivery problem in urban areas.30.412017
A novel discretization scheme for the close enough traveling salesman problem.80.572017
Source Reconstruction of Atmospheric Releases with Limited Meteorological Observations Using Genetic Algorithms.00.342017
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the minimum branch vertices spanning tree problem.30.412017
Carousel greedy: A generalized greedy algorithm with applications in optimization.00.342017
Prolonging Lifetime In Wireless Sensor Networks With Interference Constraints10.352017
The Rainbow Cycle Cover Problem30.452016
OMEGA one multi ethnic genetic approach.60.492016
Models, algorithms and applications for location problems.10.362016
Vehicle-ID sensor location for route flow recognition: Models and algorithms.60.512015
A hybrid exact approach for maximizing lifetime in sensor networks with complete and partial coverage constraints120.512015
Maximizing lifetime in wireless sensor networks with multiple sensor families150.582015
Locating sensors to observe network arc flows: Exact and heuristic approaches30.412014
A memetic algorithm for the weighted feedback vertex set problem20.382014
Maximizing lifetime and handling reliability in wireless sensor networks70.502014
A Tabu Search Approach for the Circle Packing Problem40.482014
Relations, models and a memetic approach for three degree-dependent spanning tree problems.120.632014
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the double travelling salesman problem with two stacks160.662013
Lower and upper bounds for the spanning tree with minimum branch vertices150.762013
Exact and heuristic methods to maximize network lifetime in wireless sensor networks with adjustable sensing ranges.331.162012
The maximum labeled clique problem.00.342011
A Tabu search heuristic based on k-diamonds for the weighted feedback vertex set problem20.372011
The labeled maximum matching problem110.562009
Bounded-degree spanning tree problems: models and new algorithms150.912009
Efficient preflow push algorithms20.382008
An Additive Branch-And-Bound Algorithm For The Pickup And Delivery Traveling Salesman Problem With Lifo Or Fifo Loading321.572007
Heuristic approaches for the Minimum Labelling Hamiltonian Cycle Problem70.542006
A linear time algorithm for the minimum weighted feedback vertex set on diamonds30.402005
Minimum Weighted Feedback Vertex Set on Diamonds10.362004
Shortest Path Auction Algorithm Without Contractions Using Virtual Source Concept00.342003
Graph Collapsing in Shortest Path Auction Algorithms10.372001
The Auction Technique for the Sensor Based Navigation Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot00.341998
Mean-variance approach to the management of cyclic deliveries10.431988