Univ Salerno, Dipartimento Matemat & Informat, Via Ponte Don Melillo, I-84084 Fisciano, SA, Italy
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Covid-19 Sentiments In Smart Cities: The Role Of Technology Anxiety Before And During The Pandemic00.342022
Patterns for Visual Management in Industry 4.000.342021
Nsl-Bp: A Meta Classifier Model Based Prediction Of Amazon Product Reviews00.342021
Enabling a semantic sensor knowledge approach for quality control support in Cleanrooms.00.342021
Pharmacovigilance in the era of social media: Discovering adverse drug events cross-relating Twitter and PubMed00.342021
A Cognitive Approach based on the Actionable Knowledge Graph for supporting Maintenance Operations00.342020
Applying a Consensus Building Approach to Communication Projects in the Health Sector: The Momento Medico Case Study00.342020
Implementing the Cognition Level for Industry 4.0 by Integrating Augmented Reality and Manufacturing Execution Systems.00.342020
Cross-relating heterogeneous Text Streams for Credibility Assessment00.342020
A Novel Method For Validating Multi-Classifiers. A Case Study For Icf-Based Health Status Classification00.342020
Semantic CPPS in Industry
Foreword Special Issue On Cognitive Machine Intelligence For Cyber Physical Systems00.342020
Drift-Aware Methodology for Anomaly Detection in Smart Grid.00.342019
Time-aware adaptive tweets ranking through deep learning.00.342019
Business process outsourcing enhanced by fuzzy linguistic consensus model.20.372018
Social media marketing through time-aware collaborative filtering.00.342018
Distributed online Temporal Fuzzy Concept Analysis for stream processing in smart cities.100.512017
Linguistic fuzzy consensus model for collaborative development of fuzzy cognitive maps: a case study in software development risks.20.362017
Making sense of cloud-sensor data streams via Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Temporal Fuzzy Concept Analysis.70.432017
Unfolding social content evolution along time and semantics.170.652017
A Context-Aware Fuzzy Linguistic Consensus Model Supporting Innovation Processes40.432016
Contextual Fuzzy-Based Decision Support System Through Opinion Analysis: A Case Study At University Of The Salerno40.452016
Unifying fuzzy concept lattice construction methods20.382016
Providing Smart Objects with Intelligent Tutoring Capabilities by Semantic Technologies20.452016
OLAP analysis of multidimensional tweet streams for supporting advanced analytics.60.442016
A framework for context-aware heterogeneous group decision making in business processes.180.592016
Towards OLAP Analysis of Multidimensional Tweet Streams70.442015
What-if analysis combining Fuzzy Cognitive Map and Structural Equation Modeling10.352015
Time Aware Knowledge Extraction for Microblog Summarization on Twitter.300.732015
Biomedical data integration and ontology-driven multi-facets visualization40.402015
Management and Computer Science Synergies: A Theoretical Framework for Context Sensitive Simulation Environment.20.372015
Natural Language Query Processing Framework for Biomedical Literature10.342015
Fuzzy Conceptual Data Analysis Applied to Knowledge Management00.342013
A Semantic Approach for Improving Competence Assessment in Organizations90.762012
f-SPARQL extension and application to support context recognition00.342012
Swarm-Based Semantic Fuzzy Reasoning For Situation Awareness Computing80.492012
Hierarchical web resources retrieval by exploiting Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis341.012012
A Semantic Approach for Continuous Assessment in Organizations10.362012
Swarm-based approach to evaluate fuzzy classification of semantic sensor data20.452012
Agent-assisted tagging aimed at folkonomy-based information retrieval00.342011
Fuzzy Knowledge Approach To Automatic Disease Diagnosis40.542011
A Hybrid Context Aware System For Tourist Guidance Based On Collaborative Filtering100.482011
Agent-based Cognitive approach to Airport Security Situation Awareness140.832010
An Enhanced Approach To Improve Enterprise Competency Management20.402010
Knowledge structuring to support facet-based ontology visualization50.592010
OWL-FC Ontology Web Language for fuzzy control20.422010
Friendly web services selection exploiting fuzzy formal concept analysis130.622010
Enhancing context sensitivity of geo web resources discovery by means of fuzzy cognitive maps00.342010
Towards an automatic fuzzy ontology generation281.232009
A Multi Facet Representation of a Fuzzy Ontology Population40.452009
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