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Poster: Enabling Cost-Effective Blockchain Applications via Workload-Adaptive Transaction Execution00.342022
VFChain: Enabling Verifiable and Auditable Federated Learning via Blockchain Systems10.362022
TopoShot: uncovering Ethereum's network topology leveraging replacement transactions10.362021
DETER: Denial of Ethereum Txpool sERvices00.342021
As Strong As Its Weakest Link: How To Break Blockchain Dapps At Rpc Service00.342021
iBatch: saving Ethereum fees via secure and cost-effective batching of smart-contract invocations00.342021
Cost-Effective Data Feeds to Blockchains via Workload-Adaptive Data Replication00.342020
Scalable Log Auditing on Private Blockchains via Lightweight Log-Fork Prevention00.342020
Authenticated Key-Value Stores with Hardware Enclaves.00.342019
Authenticated Key-Value Stores with Hardware Enclaves.00.342019
Secure Consistency Verification For Untrusted Cloud Storage By Public Blockchains00.342019
Computing node clustering coefficients securely.00.342019
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Directory Services.00.342019
GEM^2-Tree: A Gas-Efficient Structure for Authenticated Range Queries in Blockchain70.472019
Authenticated Lsm Trees With Minimal Trust00.342019
Chainfs: Blockchain-Secured Cloud Storage00.342018
A Toolset for Detecting Containerized Application's Dependencies in CaaS Clouds00.342018
Non-interactive Identity-Based Underwater Data Transmission With Anonymity and Zero Knowledge.00.342018
Oases: An Online Scalable Spam Detection System for Social Networks00.342018
Secure and Efficient Multi-Party Directory Publication for Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing.00.342018
Lightweight Blockchain Logging for Data-Intensive Applications.10.352018
CPP: Towards comprehensive privacy preserving for query processing in information networks.10.352018
PADS: Privacy-Preserving Auction Design for Allocating Dynamically Priced Cloud Resources10.342017
Towards Secure Public Directory For Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing00.342017
Social-Aware Decentralization for Secure and Scalable Multi-party Computations00.342017
Strongly Secure and Efficient Data Shuffle On Hardware Enclaves.00.342017
Secure Multi-pArty Computation Grid LOgistic REgression (SMAC-GLORE).40.682016
On the Impossibility of Merkle Merge Homomorphism.00.342016
HEALER: homomorphic computation of ExAct Logistic rEgRession for secure rare disease variants analysis in GWAS.190.892016
Towards Building Practical Secure Multi-party Databases00.342016
Write-Optimized Consistency Verification in Cloud Storage with Minimal Trust.00.342016
KTV-Tree: Interactive Top-K Aggregation on Dynamic Large Dataset in the Cloud00.342015
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Search in Information Networks80.522015
Privacy-preserving offloading of mobile app to the public cloud20.382015
Deferred Lightweight Indexing for Log-Structured Key-Value Stores30.432015
Lightweight authentication of freshness in outsourced key-value stores.20.372014
Anonymizing continuous queries with delay-tolerant mix-zones over road networks100.482014
Diff-Index: Differentiated Index in Distributed Log-Structured Data Stores.60.502014
e-PPI: Locator Service in Information Networks with Personalized Privacy Preservation00.342014
Outsourcing multi-version key-value stores with verifiable data freshness70.552014
Autopipelining for Data Stream Processing30.382013
Efficient and Customizable Data Partitioning Framework for Distributed Big RDF Data Processing in the Cloud80.492013
Residency Aware Inter-VM Communication in Virtualized Cloud: Performance Measurement and Analysis60.452013
Location Privacy with Road Network Mix-Zones60.542012
Reliable State Monitoring in Cloud Datacenters191.392012
Privacy preserving indexing for eHealth information networks80.552011
A Lightweight Multidimensional Index for Complex Queries over DHTs30.382011
LIGHT: A Query-Efficient Yet Low-Maintenance Indexing Scheme over DHTs80.542010
m-LIGHT: Indexing Multi-Dimensional Data over DHTs80.452009
LHT: A Low-Maintenance Indexing Scheme over DHTs50.422008