Concordia Univ, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Ctr Signal Proc & Commun, Montreal, PQ H3G 1M8, Canada
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MorphoNet: a Deep Image Super Resolution Network using Hierarchical and Morphological Feature Generating Residual Blocks00.342021
MISNet: Multi-resolution Level Feature Interpolating Ultralight-weight Residual Image Super Resolution Network00.342021
Multimodal CNN Fusion Architecture With Multi-features for Heart Sound Classification00.342021
Timing and Frequency Synchronization and Doubly Selective Channel Estimation for OFDMA Uplink00.342020
HSAJAYA: An Improved Optimization Scheme for Consumer Surveillance Video Synopsis Generation.00.342020
Robust coding in a global subspace model and its collaboration with a local model for visual tracking00.342020
An improved scheme for digital mammogram classification using weighted chaotic salp swarm algorithm-based kernel extreme learning machine20.342020
Sound Quality Improvement for Hearing Aids in Presence of Multiple Inputs10.372019
Design of Odd nth-order elliptic High-Pass Filters Employing OTRAs00.342019
A hybrid block-based motion estimation algorithm using JAYA for video coding techniques.00.342019
Decoder side Wyner–Ziv frame estimation using Chebyshev polynomial-based FLANN technique for distributed video coding00.342019
Mammogram classification using contourlet features with forest optimization-based feature selection approach40.392019
Mixed rectilinear sources localization under unknown mutual coupling10.352019
Missing Structural and Clinical Features Imputation for Semi-supervised Alzheimer's Disease Classification using Stacked Sparse Autoencoder.00.342018
Joint DOA and Range Estimation for Mixed Near-Field and Far-Field Strictly Noncircular Sources.00.342018
Deep Structural and Clinical Feature Learning for Semi-Supervised Multiclass Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease00.342018
Targeted Wavelet Based Image Aesthetics Classification Using Convolutional Neural Nets00.342018
Shearlet based Stacked Convolutional Network for Multiclass Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using the Florbetapir PET Amyloid Imaging Data00.342018
Content-based Image Retrieval using Perceptual Image Hashing and Hopfield Neural Network00.342018
A Two-Stage Scheme for Fusion of Hash-Encoded Features in a Multimodal Biometric System00.342018
A New Hybrid Active Noise Control System with Convex Combination of Time and Frequency Domain Filtered-X LMS Algorithms.00.342018
Power Control for Massive Multiuser MIMO Systems With Finite-Dimensional Channel10.352018
A Marginalized Particle Filtering-Based Approach For Carrier Frequency Offset And Doubly Selective Channel Estimation In Ofdm Systems00.342018
Perceptual Image Hashing Using Random Forest for Content-based Image Retrieval00.342018
Visual Tracking Based on Correlation Filter and Robust Coding in Bilateral 2DPCA Subspace.00.342018
Max-Min Fairness Power Control For Massive Mu-Mimo Systems With Finite-Dimensional Channel Model00.342018
A spectral entropy-based measure for performance evaluation of a first-order differential microphone array00.342017
Compressive sensing-based DOA estimation using the Dantzig selector00.342017
Palmprint recognition based on histograms of sparse codes00.342017
A hidden Markov model-based blind detector for multiplicative watermarking00.342017
ASCII-character-encoding based PPG compression for tele-monitoring system.00.342017
Underdetermined DOA Estimation Using MVDR-Weighted LASSO.00.342016
Modified CFOA, its transpose, and applications00.342016
The analysis and design of two-dimensional nearly-orthogonal symmetric wavelet filter banks40.532013
Eigensignals of Downsamplers in Time and Transform Domains10.412007
Z-transform of quantized ramp signal10.412005
Two-dimensional FLD for face recognition702.562005
Characterization of nonuniform perfect-reconstruction filterbanks using unit-step signal20.622004
Fast computation of the discrete Fourier transform of real data100.721997
On a Novel Decomposition of the DCT and its Application30.421993
PLL synchronized time-varying constrained notch filter forretrieving a weak multiple sine signal jammed by FM interference00.341992
Constrained notch filtering of nonuniformly spaced samples forenhancement of an arbitrary signal corrupted by a strong FM interference41.581991