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How Do Market Standards Inhibit the Enactment of Digital Capabilities?: A Case Study of Airline Pricing00.342020
High Performance Business Computing00.342020
Interview with Utz-Uwe Haus on “High Performance Computing in Economic Environments: Opportunities and Challenges”00.342020
Stable Resolving - A Randomized Local Search Heuristic for MaxSAT.00.342020
Fair Shift Change Penalization Scheme for Nurse Rescheduling Problems00.342020
Modeling Delay Propagation and Transmission in Railway Networks.00.342019
Entscheidungsunterstützung durch historienbasierte Dienstreihenfolgeplanung mit Pattern.00.342019
Blockchain for Workshop Event Certificates - a Proof of Concept in the Aviation Industry.00.342019
Data Analytics in Railway Operations - Using Machine Learning to Predict Train Delays.00.342019
Big Data Analytics im Bahnverkehr00.342019
Robust Efficiency in Urban Public Transportation: Minimizing Delay Propagation in Cost-Efficient Bus and Driver Schedules10.342019
Big Data Analytics im Bahnverkehr: Automatisierte Aufbereitung von historischen Fahrtdaten der Deutschen Bahn00.342019
Black-Box Optimization in Railway Simulations.00.342019
A Dynamic Model Of Embeddedness In Digital Infrastructures00.342019
Views on the Past, Present, and Future of Business and Information Systems Engineering.00.342018
Benchmarking filter-based demand estimates for airline revenue management.00.342018
Blockchain zur dezentralen Dokumentation von Werkstattereignissen in der Luftfahrtindustrie.10.412018
A Data-Driven Optimization Approach to Improve Railway Punctuality.00.342018
Call for Papers Issue 1/2020 - High Performance Business Computing.00.342018
Computational Mobility, Transportation, and Logistics.00.342017
Metaheuristics approach for solving personalized crew rostering problem in public bus transit.10.352017
Electric Vehicle Scheduling-A Study on Charging Modeling for Electric Vehicles10.482016
Exogenous Capacity Changes in Airline Revenue Management: Quantifying the Value of Information00.342016
Data Analysis of Delays in Airline Networks.10.362016
Exploring Enterprise Transformation from a Path Dependence Perspective: A Recycling Case and Conceptual Model.30.372015
Robust Efficiency in Public Bus Transport and Airline Resource Scheduling00.342015
Map Partitioning for Accelerated Routing: Measuring Relation Between Tiled and Routing Partitions.00.342015
Standard Diffusion in Growing Networks: Modeling Interaction Patterns.00.342014
Model-Based Decision Support in Manufacturing and Service Networks.20.382014
Modellbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung in Produktions- und Dienstleistungsnetzwerken.00.342014
Airline Codeshare Alliances - Marketing Boon and Revenue Management Information Systems Challenge.00.342013
Codeshare-Allianzen bei Fluggesellschaften - Ein Segen für das Marketing und eine Herausforderung für Informationssysteme im Revenue-Management.00.342013
Multiple depot vehicle and crew scheduling with time windows for scheduled trips80.532012
Empirical and Mechanistic Models for Flight Delay Risk Distributions.10.362012
A note on the online nature of the railway delay management problem100.592011
Mathematical models and solution methods for optimal container terminal yard layouts80.622010
A Time-Space Network Approach for the Integrated Vehicle-and Crew-Scheduling Problem with Multiple Depots220.882010
A Comparison of Recovery Strategies for Crew and Aircraft Schedules.30.362010
Optimierungssysteme im ÖPNV: Mehrdepot-Umlauf- und Dienstplanung mit Zeitfenstern für geplante Fahrten00.342009
Mathematical programming and simulation based layout planning of container terminals30.412009
Increasing Stability of Crew Schedules in Airlines.00.342009
An overview on vehicle scheduling models351.962009
Branching Strategies to Improve Regularity of Crew Schedules in Ex-Urban Public Transit30.392007
Optimierungssysteme für die Dienstplanung im ÖPNV00.342007
Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Projektportfolioplanung mit mehrfacher Zielsetzung00.342006
A time-space network based exact optimization model for multi-depot bus scheduling502.762006
Solving large multiple-depot multiple-vehicle-type bus scheduling problems in practice180.912005
Mehrdepot-Umlaufplanung: Berücksichtigung von Verschiebeintervallen für Fahrten in einem Time-Space-Netzwerk-basierten Modell10.442005