Xidian University, China
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A hybrid autoencoder framework of dimensionality reduction for brain-computer interface decoding00.342022
A Battery-Less Crystal-Less 49.8µW Neural-Recording Chip Featuring Two-Tone RF Power Harvesting00.342022
Calcium Activation of Parvalbumin Neurons Induced by Electrical Motor Cortex Stimulation.00.342022
A Wearable Swallowing Recognition System Based on Motion and Dual Photoplethysmography Sensing of Laryngeal Movements00.342022
Validation Of Numerical Simulation For Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation With Spherical Phantom00.342020
Effect Of Long-Term Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation On Glx And Gaba: A Pilot Study00.342020
Orthogonalizing The Activity Of Two Neural Units For 2d Cursor Movement Control00.342020
Volitional Modulation of Temporal Spiking Patterns Uncovers the Ability of Temporal Coding in Abstract Skills Learning00.342019
Effect Of Epidural Electrical Stimulation On Severely Affected Forelimb Reaching And Grasping Function00.342019
The Effects of EMG Based Fatigue-Controlled and Forced Exercise on Motor Function Recovery: A Pilot Study00.342019
Stretchable Optical Sensing Patch System Integrated Heart Rate, Pulse Oxygen Saturation and Sweat pH Detection.00.342019
A Simulation Study on Performance of Decoders in Chronic Recording00.342019
Decoding Velocity from Spikes Using a New Architecture of Recurrent Neural Network00.342019
Decoding Forelimb Muscle Activity with Local Field Potentials from Mouse Motor Cortex00.342019
Development Of A High-Speed Mental Spelling System Combining Eye Tracking And Ssvep-Based Bci With High Scalability00.342019
A Privacy Protection Scheme Of Microgrid Direct Electricity Transaction Based On Consortium Blockchain And Continuous Double Auction00.342019
A Novel Hybrid BCI Web Browser Based on SSVEP and Eye-Tracking00.342019
Predicting Spike Trains from PMd to M1 Using Discrete Time Rescaling Targeted GLM.20.372018
Incorporating Hand-crafted Features to Deep Neural Networks for Seizure Prediction00.342018
Intrinsic optical imaging revealed precise spatial olfactory information for neural signal recording00.342017
Multi-site closed-loop stimulation strategy for seizure control with a generalized neurostimulator00.342017
Dorsal premotor area of the macaque monkey participates the preparation of grasp movements00.342017
A Real-Time Spike Sorting Method Based On The Embedded Gpu00.342017
Quantized Attention-Gated Kernel Reinforcement Learning for Brain-Machine Interface Decoding.50.412017
Rehabilitation with lower limb exoskeleton robot joint load adaptive server control00.342016
Tracking Neural Modulation Depth by Dual Sequential Monte Carlo Estimation on Point Processes for Brain Machine Interfaces.30.452016
Four-Legged Gait Planning Method For A Mobile Medical Exoskeleton With A Pair Of Crutches30.502015
Real Time Gait Planning For A Mobile Medical Exoskeleton With Crutche10.372015
A Shared Control Policy for Center-Out Movement Decoding in Motor Brain-Machine Interface.00.342013
Information analysis on neural tuning in dorsal premotor cortex for reaching and grasping.00.342013
Decoding Wrist Kinematics From Local Field Potentials Of The Ipsilateral Primary Motor And Dorsal Premotor Cortices00.342012
A study on combining local field potential and single unit activity for better neural decoding00.342011
Neural Decoding Using Local Field Potential Based On Partial Least Squares Regression00.342011
Comparisons Between Linear And Nonlinear Methods For Decoding Motor Cortical Activities Of Monkey10.392011
Minimum Spanning Tree Hierarchically Fusing Multi-feature Points and High-Dimensional Features for Medical Image Registration.10.402011
Decoding the nonstationary neural activity in motor cortex for brain machine interfaces00.342011
An Automatic Control System for Ratbot Navigation60.862010
A P300 based online brain-computer interface system for virtual hand control.81.012010
Neural spike sorting by rough set method10.362010
Probabilistic neural network based motor cortical decoding method and hardware implementation00.342010
Continuous Neural Decoding Method Based on General Regression Neural Network10.632010
A Novel Matched Filter for Neural Action Potential Detection00.342010
Research on Gravity-Based Anomaly Intrusion Detection Algorithm00.342009
Learning Based Combining Different Features for Medical Image Retrieval00.342009
History and Future Information Based Trust Model in C2C E-commerce20.382009
Study on Centralized Authorization Model Supporting Multiple Access Control Models00.342009
A Novel Grid Trust Model Based on Fuzzy Theory10.372009
Scanning Task Scheduling Strategy in Distributed Vulnerability Detection System00.342009
Study on Role-Spliting and Its Ontology-Based Evaluation Methods during Role Mapping of Inter-domain20.462008
Neuronal Spike Sorting Based on 2-Stage RBF Networks10.452008
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