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Continuous Verification of Network Security Compliance00.342022
Mup: Simplifying Secure Over-The-Air Update With Mqtt For Constrained Iot Devices10.362021
Ontology-driven Device Descriptions for IoT Network Management10.392018
FaVe: Modeling IPv6 firewalls for fast formal verification00.342017
Exploring one-sided communication and synchronization on a non-cache-coherent many-core architecture.00.342017
Indoor Positioning: A Comparison of WiFi and Bluetooth Low Energy for Region Monitoring.10.372016
Automatic generation of parallel C code for stencil applications written in MATLAB.20.412016
Software-managed Cache Coherence for fast One-Sided Communication.10.362016
Efficient Parallelization of MATLAB Stencil Applications for Multi-core Clusters.00.342016
Optimizing Energy Efficiency and Quality of Service in Large Scale Web Server Environments.00.342016
Evaluation of Threshold-based Fall Detection on Android Smartphones10.352015
Policy Anomaly Detection for Distributed IPv6 Firewalls.10.362015
Scalability evaluation of an energy-aware resource management system for clusters of web servers10.352015
A Parallel Job Execution Time Estimation Approach Based on User Submission Patterns within Computational Grids40.422015
Threshold-based Fall Detection on Smart Phones.20.382014
A comparison of CUDA and OpenACC: Accelerating the Tsunami Simulation EasyWave.50.512014
CHERUB: power consumption aware cluster resource management10.352013
Energy Aware Resource Management for Clusters of Web Servers.10.402013
IPv6 Network Attack Detection with HoneydV6.00.342013
On the comparability of indoor localization systems' accuracy30.452013
Development of a Snort IPv6 Plugin - Detection of Attacks on the Neighbor Discovery Protocol.00.342012
Advance Reservation-Based Computational Resource Brokering Using Earliest Start Time Estimation30.412012
One-Sided Communication in RCKMPI for the Single-Chip Cloud Computer.00.342012
Enforcing location privacy policies through an AOP-based reference monitor10.362012
Fall-detection simulator for accelerometers with in-hardware preprocessing60.962012
An Energy Efficient Mobile Device For Assisted Living Applications10.392012
Awareness of MPI Virtual Process Topologies on the Single-Chip Cloud Computer20.372012
A privacy-aware localization service for healthcare environments20.452011
Cluster-based ASP solving with claspar40.482011
KopAL appointment user-interface: an evaluation with elderly00.342011
The Benefit of Topology Awareness of MPI Applications on the SCC.20.392011
Cherub: Power Consumption Aware Cluster Resource Management.40.512010
Earliest Start Time Estimation for Advance Reservation-Based Resource Brokering within Computational Grids20.372010
MANETSip - A Dependable SIP Overlay Network for MANET Including Presentity Service40.582009
A Simple Distributed Conflict-Driven Answer Set Solver110.732009
KopAL – A Mobile Orientation System for Dementia Patients50.822009
Experiences Running a Parallel Answer Set Solver on Blue Gene30.482009
Distributed Replica-Exchange Simulations on Production Environments Using SAGA and Migol10.462008
Migol: A fault-tolerant service framework for MPI applications in the grid221.242008
Adaptive Checkpoint Replication for Supporting the Fault Tolerance of Applications in the Grid40.442008
Specifying Security Policies For Electronic Health Records10.392008
Challenges of MPI over IPv610.432008
Performance Issues of Synchronisation in the MPI-2 One-Sided Communication API30.412008
An Implementation Of A Privacy Enforcement Scheme Based On The Java Security Framework Using Xacml Policies20.502008
Service replication in Grids: Ensuring consistency in a dynamic, failure-prone environment50.462008
Design issues in the implementation of MPI2 one sided communication in Ethernet based networks10.392007
Loaded: Server Load Balancing for IPv610.392006
Grid Security for Fault Tolerant Grid Applications10.362006
Migration of MPI Applications to IPv6 Networks40.602005
Privacy requirements for embedded sensor devices.20.362005
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