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Shear Decoupled Parallel Scalable Preconditioners for Nonlinear Thermo-Mechanical Coupled Contact Applications00.342022
JCOGIN: a programming framework for particle transport on combinatorial geometry00.342021
αSetup-AMG: an adaptive-setup-based parallel AMG solver for sequence of sparse linear systems00.342020
Operator-based preconditioning for the 2-D 3-T energy equations in radiation hydrodynamics simulations.00.342019
JArena: Partitioned Shared Memory for NUMA-awareness in Multi-threaded Scientific Applications.00.342019
Parallel visualization of large-scale multifield scientific data.00.342019
JAUMIN: a programming framework for large-scale numerical simulation on unstructured meshes00.342019
Efficient visualization of high-resolution virtual nuclear reactor.10.352018
An Autotuning Protocol to Rapidly Build Autotuners.10.352018
JSweep: A Patch-centric Data-driven Approach for Parallel Sweeps on Large-scale Meshes.00.342018
Extreme-scale parallel computing: bottlenecks and strategies.00.342018
Parallel 3-dim fast Fourier transforms with load balancing of the plane waves.00.342017
Algebraic interface-based coarsening AMG preconditioner for multi-scale sparse matrices with applications to radiation hydrodynamics computation.00.342017
A Parallel Module for Multiblock Structured Grids in JASMIN and Its Applications.00.342017
Multi-core parallel robust structured multifrontal factorization method for large discretized PDEs00.342016
A Programming Framework for Large Scale Numerical Simulations on Unstructured Mesh00.342016
Graphine: Programming Graph-Parallel Computation of Large Natural Graphs on Multicore Cluster20.362016
Information Splitting for Big Data Analytics20.502016
An efficient and visually accurate multi-field visualization framework for high-resolution climate data.00.342016
A Scalable, Parallel Module for Overlapping Grids and Its Applications00.342016
A Component Based Graphical Parallel Programming Approach for Numerical Simulation Development00.342016
一种基于实测的自动负载建模算法 (Automatic Load Modeling Algorithm Based on Real Time Measuring).00.342015
A new parallel algorithm for vertex priorities of data flow acyclic digraphs00.342014
Component-based Parallel Programming for Peta-scale Particle Simulations.00.342013
Parallel implementation of fast multipole method based on JASMIN20.442011
An improved GPBi-CG algorithm suitable for distributed parallel computing30.392010
Quasi-interpolation operators based on a cubic spline and applications in SAMR simulations00.342010
Cluster Identification and Characterization of Physical Fields00.342010
JASMIN: a parallel software infrastructure for scientific computing131.012010
Dynamic load balancing efficiently in a large-scale cluster50.532009
Scalable Heuristic Algorithms for the Parallel Execution of Data Flow Acyclic Digraphs20.662009
On choosing a nonlinear initial iterate for solving the 2-D 3-T heat conduction equations40.502009
A parallel adaptive finite-element package based on ALBERTA00.342008
Relaxed RS0 or CLJP coarsening strategy for parallel AMG20.452007
Dynamic Load-Balancing and High Performance Communication in Jcluster40.392007
Towards a parallel framework of grid-based numerical algorithms on DAGs20.392006
Study on Parallel Computing10.412006
Scheduling efficiently for irregular load distributions in a large-scale cluster00.342005
An efficient dynamic load-balancing algorithm in a large-scale cluster30.462005
Concatenation algorithms for parallel numerical simulation of radiation hydrodynamics coupled with neutron transport20.572005
Multiple Search Direction Conjugate Gradient Method I: Methods And Their Propositions110.862004
Multiple Search Direction Conjugate Gradient Method Ii: Theory And Numerical Experiments20.402004
Parallel Adaptive Multigrid Algorithm For 2-D 3-T Diffusion Equations00.342004
A new scalable parallel method for molecular dynamics based on cell-block data structure10.352004
Parallel Flux Sweep Algorithm for Neutron Transport on Unstructured Grid60.572004
Dynamic Load Balancing For Short-Range Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulations10.352002
Multilevel Averaging Weight Method For Dynamic Load Imbalance Problems30.722001