Search Limit
Automated and Personalized Nutrition Health Assessment, Recommendation, and Progress Evaluation using Fuzzy Reasoning10.352021
Unsupervised Topical Organization of Documents using Corpus-based Text Analysis.00.342021
Almost Linear Semantic XML Keyword Search.00.342021
Generic metadata representation framework for social-based event detection, description, and linkage10.342020
Integration of nonparametric fuzzy classification with an evolutionary-developmental framework to perform music sentiment-based analysis and composition20.382020
Data Redundancy Management in Connected Environments00.342020
: A semantic indexing scheme for structured, unstructured, and partly structured data.10.342019
Unsupervised word-level affect analysis and propagation in a lexical knowledge graph.40.412019
Upgraded SemIndex Prototype Supporting Intelligent Database Keyword Queries through Disambiguation, Query as You Type, and Parallel Search Algorithms00.342018
Evaluating touch-screen vibration modality for blind users to access simple shapes and graphics.20.392018
MUSE Prototype for Music Sentiment Expression00.342018
PIN Prototype for Intelligent Nutrition Assessment and Meal Planning00.342018
Full-fledged semantic indexing and querying model designed for seamless integration in legacy RDBMS.20.362018
Evaluating Fitts' law on vibrating touch-screen to improve visual data accessibility for blind users.30.432018
Overview of Event-Based Collective Knowledge Management in Multimedia Digital Ecosystems00.342017
Building semantic trees from XML documents.40.382016
A General Multimedia Representation Space Model toward Event-Based Collective Knowledge Management00.342016
Personalized Social Image Organization, Visualization, and Querying Tool Using Low- and High-Level Features00.342016
An Overview on XML Semantic Disambiguation from Unstructured Text to Semi-Structured Data: Background, Applications, and Ongoing Challenges.80.442016
Approximate XML structure validation based on document-grammar tree similarity.60.422015
Toward Rdf Normalization30.382015
Resolving XML Semantic Ambiguity.30.362015
SemIndex: Semantic-Aware Inverted Index.30.352014
SVG-to-RDF Image Semantization.40.412014
Toward Enhancing Web Accessibility for Blind Users through the Semantic Web40.412013
Semantic to intelligent web era: building blocks, applications, and current trends20.362013
Evaluation of touch screen vibration accessibility for blind users50.482013
A novel XML document structure comparison framework based-on sub-tree commonalities and label semantics190.622012
Using XML-Based Multicasting to Improve Web Service Scalability60.392012
Towards Digital Image Accessibility for Blind Users Via Vibrating Touch Screen: A Feasibility Test Protocol80.602012
Minimizing user effort in XML grammar matching80.412012
XML document-grammar comparison: related problems and applications50.382011
Differential SOAP Multicasting10.352011
Semantic-based Merging of RSS Items160.832010
Toward approximate GML retrieval based on structural and semantic characteristics00.342010
Extensible User-Based XML Grammar Matching50.412009
Relating RSS News/Items130.822009
An overview on XML similarity: Background, current trends and future directions20.392009
XS3: a system for similarity evaluation in multimedia-based heterogeneous XML repositories10.352008
The use of semantic-based predicates implication to improve horizontal multimedia database fragmentation70.582007
Towards Efficient Horizontal Multimedia Database Fragmentation using Semantic-based Predicates Implication100.542007
Structural similarity evaluation between XML documents and DTDs90.542007
Efficient XML Structural Similarity Detection using Sub-tree Commonalities50.412007
A Hybrid Approach for XML Similarity90.592007
A fine-grained XML structural comparison approach60.392007
Semantic and Structure Based XML Similarity: The XS3 Prototype00.342006
Semantic and Structure Based XML Similarity: An Integrated Approach90.502006
Towards Multimedia Fragmentation70.492006