National ICT Australia Ltd, Sydney, Australia and University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
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An Integration Test Order Strategy to Consider Control Coupling20.362021
COSTE: Complexity-based OverSampling TEchnique to alleviate the class imbalance problem in software defect prediction30.382021
Validating class integration test order generation systems with Metamorphic Testing00.342021
Evaluating the effects of similar-class combination on class integration test order generation00.342021
Improving Ranking-Oriented Defect Prediction Using a Cost-Sensitive Ranking SVM00.342020
An Empirical Study of Learning to Rank Techniques for Effort-Aware Defect Prediction10.342019
Automated framework for classification and selection of software design patterns.00.342019
Bug Localization with Semantic and Structural Features using Convolutional Neural Network and Cascade Forest.00.342018
Systematic literature study for dimensional classification of success factors affecting process improvement in global software development: client-vendor perspective.20.372018
GBRAD: A General Framework to Evaluate Design Strategies for Hybrid Race Detection00.342018
An Inception Architecture-Based Model for Improving Code Readability Classification.00.342018
Improving Bug Localization with Character-Level Convolutional Neural Network and Recurrent Neural Network00.342018
Implications of deep learning for the automation of design patterns organization.20.402018
Comparing learning to rank techniques in hybrid bug localization.60.422018
Cross-validation based K nearest neighbor imputation for software quality datasets: An empirical study.10.352017
Cross-Project Defect Prediction Using a Credibility Theory Based Naive Bayes Classifier00.342017
Software design patterns classification and selection using text categorization approach.120.592017
Systematic literature review and empirical investigation of barriers to process improvement in global software development: Client-vendor perspective.00.342017
A Framework for Ranking of Software Design Patterns.20.372017
A stability assessment of solution adaptation techniques for analogy-based software effort estimation.30.362017
Towards a hypothetical framework of humans related success factors for process improvement in global software development: systematic review.30.392017
SPIIMM: Toward a Model for Software Process Improvement Implementation and Management in Global Software Development.30.412017
The Effect of Gang-of-Four Design Patterns Usage on Design Quality Attributes10.362017
An Empirical Analysis of Three-Stage Data-Preprocessing for Analogy-Based Software Effort Estimation on the ISBSG Data30.442017
A Stratification and Sampling Model for Bellwether Moving Window.10.342017
Systematic Literature Reviews of Software Process Improvement: A Tertiary Study.10.352017
Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering.471.562017
Rework Effort Estimation of Self-admitted Technical Debt.10.342016
An empirical analysis of reopened bugs based on open source projects.60.482016
Multi-Objective Optimization for Software Testing Effort Estimation.10.342016
Filter-INC: Handling Effort-Inconsistency in Software Effort Estimation Datasets.00.342016
Empirical Evaluation of Cross-Release Effort-Aware Defect Prediction Models70.402016
Measuring the Stylistic Inconsistency in Software Projects using Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering.10.352016
Systematic review of success factors and barriers for software process improvement in global software development.00.342016
Case consistency: a necessary data quality property for software engineering data sets30.382015
Effects of Geographical, Socio-cultural and Temporal distances on communication in Global Software Development during Requirements Change Management A Pilot Study00.342015
Scaling up analogy-based software effort estimation: a comparison of multiple hadoop implementation schemes00.342014
Effort-Oriented Classification Matrix of Web Service Composition40.422013
Lessons from Conducting a Distributed Quasi-experiment80.562013
An Empirical Experiment on Analogy-Based Software Cost Estimation with CUDA Framework10.362013
An Empirical Investigation on the Simulation of Priority and Shortest-Job-First Scheduling for Cloud-Based Software Systems50.452013
Active Learning and Effort Estimation: Finding the Essential Content of Software Effort Estimation Data330.682013
Software Cost Estimation Framework for Service-Oriented Architecture Systems Using Divide-and-Conquer Approach30.442013
Improving Analogy-Based Software Cost Estimation through Probabilistic-Based Similarity Measures20.362013
FCA-CIA: An approach of using FCA to support cross-level change impact analysis for object oriented Java programs.50.412013
Finding conclusion stability for selecting the best effort predictor in software effort estimation340.882013
Assessing the Representativeness of Open Source Projects in Empirical Software Engineering Studies10.352012
Cloud Deployment Model Selection Assessment for SMEs: Renting or Buying a Cloud40.402012
A Heuristic Rule Reduction Approach to Software Fault-proneness Prediction10.372012
Empirical prediction models for adaptive resource provisioning in the cloud2196.242012
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