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A Two-Step Framework For Text Line Segmentation In Historical Arabic And Latin Document Images00.342021
Keystroke Dynamics Classification Based On LSTM and BLSTM Models00.342021
Pulse-based technique for hard faults identification in complex wire networks.00.342021
Biometric Template Security Using Watermarking Reinforcement Based Cancellable Transformation00.342021
ICPR2020 Competition on Text Detection and Recognition in Arabic News Video Frames.00.342020
Point-Based Deep Neural Network for 3D Facial Expression Recognition00.342020
Pedestrian detection using a moving camera: A novel framework for foreground detection.20.362020
Mask2LFP: Mask-constrained Adversarial Latent Fingerprint Synthesis00.342020
Demographic Face Profiling Based on Age, Gender and Race00.342020
Preprocessing Latent-Fingerprint Images For Improving Segmentation Using Morphological Snakes00.342020
Context-Aware Synergetic Multiplex Network for Multi-organ Segmentation of Cervical Cancer MRI.00.342020
SoC estimation of LFP Battery Based on EKF Observer and a Full Polynomial Parameters-Model.00.342020
A Benchmark Terrorist Face Recognition Database00.342020
Splitting Wolves Category in Doddington Zoo: Impacts on Keystroke Dynamics00.342020
Multimodal Medical Image Registration Based on a Hybrid Optimization Strategy00.342020
Spatio-Temporal Object Detection by Deep Learning: Video Interlacing to Improve Multi-Object Tracking10.352019
Pose-Based Human Activity Recognition: A Review00.342019
Text Line Segmentation in Historical Document Images Using an Adaptive U-Net Architecture00.342019
Triplet CNN-based Word Spotting of Historical Arabic Documents.00.342019
Biometric authentication based on multi-instance fingerprint fusion in degraded context00.342019
Cross-View Self-Similarity Using Shared Dictionary Learning for Cervical Cancer Staging.00.342019
Analysis of Doddington zoo classification for user dependent template update: Application to keystroke dynamics recognition30.462019
Vulnerability of Adaptive Strategies of Keystroke Dynamics Based Authentication Against Different Attack Types10.362019
Data Augmentation using non-rigid CPD Registration for 3D Facial Expression Recognition10.362019
An Embedded Computer-Vision System for Multi-Object Detection in Traffic Surveillance10.352019
Adaptive Biometric Systems: Review and Perspectives30.412019
Double serial adaptation mechanism for keystroke dynamics authentication based on a single password.20.392019
Open Datasets and Tools for Arabic Text Detection and Recognition in News Video Frames.00.342018
A Comparative Study of Two State-of-the-Art Feature Selection Algorithms for Texture-Based Pixel-Labeling Task of Ancient Documents.10.352018
Human Action Recognition Using Triaxial Accelerometer Data: Selective Approach00.342018
Semi-automatic lymph node segmentation and classification using cervical cancer MR imaging00.342018
Two-step evidential fusion approach for accurate breast region segmentation in mammograms.00.342018
User Dependent Template Update for Keystroke Dynamics Recognition20.392018
Dynamic Multi-scale CNN Forest Learning for Automatic Cervical Cancer Segmentation.00.342018
Implementation of an Improved Coulomb-Counting Algorithm Based on a Piecewise SOC-OCV Relationship for SOC Estimation of Li-IonBattery.00.342018
Multi-dimensional long short-term memory networks for artificial Arabic text recognition in news video.00.342018
Fuzzy generalized median graphs computation: Application to content-based document retrieval.20.352017
Specialization Of A Generic Pedestrian Detector To A Specific Traffic Scene By The Sequential Monte-Carlo Filter And The Faster R-Cnn00.342017
Design Of A 3d Virtual World To Implement A Logical Access Control Mechanism Based On Fingerprints00.342017
Arabic Video Text Recognition Based On Multi-Dimensional Recurrent Neural Networks00.342017
Human-action recognition using a multi-layered fusion scheme of Kinect modalities.00.342017
Hybrid Multi-Modal Fusion For Human Action Recognition00.342017
Multi Target Tracking By Linking Tracklets With A Convolutional Neural Network10.352017
SMC Faster R-CNN: Toward a scene-specialized multi-object detector.00.342017
Human posture recognition approach based on ConvNets and SVM classifier10.352017
A combined watermarking approach for securing biometric data.50.452017
Erratum to: Sequential Monte Carlo filter based on multiple strategies for a scene specialization classifier.00.342017
Tracking multi-object using tracklet and Faster R-CNN: PhD Forum.00.342016
Faster R-CNN Scene Specialization with a Sequential Monte-Carlo Framework00.342016
Transductive Transfer Learning to Specialize a Generic Classifier Towards a Specific Scene.20.402016
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