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Learning Discrete Structured Variational Auto-Encoder using Natural Evolution Strategies00.342022
Causal Inference in Natural Language Processing: Estimation, Prediction, Interpretation and Beyond.00.342022
Designing an Automatic Agent for Repeated Language-based Persuasion Games00.342022
DoCoGen: Domain Counterfactual Generation for Low Resource Domain Adaptation00.342022
PADA: Example-based Prompt Learning for on-the-fly Adaptation to Unseen Domains00.342022
Predicting Decisions in Language Based Persuasion Games00.342022
Model Compression for Domain Adaptation through Causal Effect Estimation00.342021
Location Classification Based on Tweets00.342021
DILBERT - Customized Pre-Training for Domain Adaptation with Category Shift, with an Application to Aspect Extraction.00.342021
CausaLM: Causal Model Explanation Through Counterfactual Language Models00.342021
Parameter Space Factorization for Zero-Shot Learning across Tasks and Languages.00.342021
Predicting Strategic Behavior from Free Text (Extended Abstract).00.342020
Predicting In-Game Actions from Interviews of NBA Players00.342020
Geosocial Location Classification: Associating Type to Places Based on Geotagged Social-Media Posts00.342020
Semantically Driven Sentence Fusion: Modeling and Evaluation00.342020
The Secret is in the Spectra: Predicting Cross-lingual Task Performance with Spectral Similarity Measures.00.342020
Multi-Simlex: A Large-Scale Evaluation Of Multilingual And Crosslingual Lexical Semantic Similarity00.342020
GECKO - A Tool for Effective Annotation of Human Conversations.00.342019
Perturbation Based Learning for Structured NLP Tasks with Application to Dependency Parsing00.342019
Bayesian Learning for Neural Dependency Parsing00.342019
Cross-lingual Semantic Specialization via Lexical Relation Induction00.342019
Modeling Language Variation and Universals: A Survey on Typological Linguistics for Natural Language Processing00.342019
Do We Really Need Fully Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Embeddings?10.352019
Towards Zero-shot Language Modelling00.342019
On the Importance of Subword Information for Morphological Tasks in Truly Low-Resource Languages00.342019
Deep Contextualized Self-training for Low Resource Dependency Parsing10.392019
Language Modeling for Morphologically Rich Languages: Character-Aware Modeling for Word-Level Prediction.00.342018
Deep Pivot-Based Modeling for Cross-language Cross-domain Transfer with Minimal Guidance.10.352018
On the Relation between Linguistic Typology and (Limitations of) Multilingual Language Modeling.20.392018
Isomorphic Transfer of Syntactic Structures in Cross-Lingual NLP.20.362018
Appendix - Recommended Statistical Significance Tests for NLP Tasks.00.342018
Pivot Based Language Modeling for Improved Neural Domain Adaptation.10.362018
Bridging Languages through Images with Deep Partial Canonical Correlation Analysis.10.352018
Neural Transition Based Parsing of Web Queries: An Entity Based Approach.00.342018
Sarcasm Sign: Interpreting Sarcasm With Sentiment Based Monolingual Machine Translation40.462017
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Evaluating Vector Space Representations for NLP.00.342017
Semantic Specialisation of Distributional Word Vector Spaces using Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Constraints.20.352017
Automatic Selection of Context Configurations for Improved Class-Specific Word Representations.00.342017
Replicability Analysis for Natural Language Processing: Testing Significance with Multiple Datasets10.362017
Neural Structural Correspondence Learning for Domain Adaptation.40.392017
Morph-Fitting: Fine-Tuning Word Vector Spaces With Simple Language-Specific Rules00.342017
A Factorized Model for Transitive Verbs in Compositional Distributional Semantics.00.342016
Survey on the Use of Typological Information in Natural Language Processing.30.402016
Syntactic Parsing of Web Queries with Question Intent.40.672016
Contrastive Analysis with Predictive Power: Typology Driven Estimation of Grammatical Error Distributions in ESL.70.482016
The Yahoo Query Treebank, V.
Symmetric Patterns and Coordinations: Fast and Enhanced Representations of Verbs and Adjectives.110.482016
SimVerb-3500: A Large-Scale Evaluation Set of Verb Similarity.200.592016
Automatic Selection of Context Configurations for Improved (and Fast) Class-Specific Word Representations.20.362016
Effective Combination of Language and Vision Through Model Composition and the R-CCA Method.00.342016
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