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Invariant Analysis for Multi-agent Graph Transformation Systems Using k-Induction00.342022
Translation validation of coloured Petri net models of programs on integers00.342022
Compositional Analysis of Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems.00.342021
Interval Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems.00.342021
Formal Verification of Invariants for Attributed Graph Transformation Systems Based on Nested Attributed Graph Conditions.00.342020
Optimistic and Pessimistic On-the-fly Analysis for Metric Temporal Graph Logic.00.342020
A Simulator for Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems with Complex Large-Scale Topologies.00.342020
Collective risk minimization via a bayesian model for statistical software testing00.342020
Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Opportunities00.342019
Metric Temporal Graph Logic over Typed Attributed Graphs.00.342019
Generic Adaptive Monitoring Based on Executed Architecture Runtime Model Queries and Events10.362019
Automatic verification of behavior preservation at the transformation level for relational model transformation00.342019
Towards Generic Adaptive Monitoring10.412018
Analysis of GPGPU Programs for Data-race and Barrier Divergence.00.342018
A Semi-Automated Approach for the Co-Refinement of Requirements and Architecture Models.00.342017
Incremental View Maintenance For Deductive Graph Databases Using Generalized Discrimination Networks00.342016
On The Operationalization Of Graph Queries With Generalized Discrimination Networks20.362016
Inductive Invariant Checking With Partial Negative Application Conditions20.372015
Towards Smart Systems of Systems.10.382015
Traceability recovery for innovation processes10.352015
Modeling Collaborations in Adaptive Systems of Systems10.352015
Towards the Automatic Verification of Behavior Preservation at the Transformation Level for Operational Model Transformations.10.352015
Classifying Distributed Self-* Systems Based on Runtime Models and Their Coupling.00.342014
Modal Specifications For Probabilistic Timed Systems00.342013
Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: Research Challenges in the Provision of Assurances.20.372013
Compositional and behavior-preserving reconfiguration of component connectors in Reo.30.392013
Invited Talk: Extensions of Graph Transformation Systems for Timed, Continuous, and Probabilistic Behavior.00.342013
A Model Management Framework for Maintaining Traceability Links.00.342013
Scalable real-time compatibility for embedded components using language-progressive TIOA00.342013
A Survey of Triple Graph Grammar Tools.230.802013
Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: Assurances (Dagstuhl Seminar 13511).70.492013
Complete Specification Coverage in Automatically Generated Conformance Test Cases for TGG Implementations.60.482013
On the Complex Nature of MDE Evolution.70.482013
Integration of Triple Graph Grammars and Constraints.20.402012
A build server for model-driven engineering.20.392012
Attribute Handling for Bidirectional Model Transformations: The Triple Graph Grammar Case.60.512012
Towards automatic verification of behavior preservation for model transformation via invariant checking100.552012
Integrated software development for embedded robotic systems30.442012
Simulation-Assisted Elicitation and Validation of Behavioral Specifications for Multiple Stakeholders20.402012
The MDELab tool framework for the development of correct model transformations with triple graph grammars00.342012
Probabilistic graph transformation systems10.352012
Living with Uncertainty in the Age of Runtime Models.120.602011
A dedicated language for context composition and execution of true black-box model transformations30.462011
Model Checking Probabilistic Real-Time Properties For Service-Oriented Systems With Service Level Agreements30.402011
10431 Abstracts Collection - Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems.00.342010
Model-Driven Runtime Resource Predictions for Advanced Mechatronic Systems with Dynamic Data Structures20.362010
10431 Report - Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems.00.342010
Making control loops explicit when architecting self-adaptive systems241.212010
Fifth Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2010)20.492010
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