College of Business and Behavioral Science, Clemson University,Clemson,U.S.A.
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Workgroup Embeddedness and Professionalism among IT Professionals: Impacts on Work-Life Conflict and Organizational Citizenship.00.342022
Trial-Period Technostress: A Conceptual Definition and Mixed-Methods Investigation00.342022
Can you see opportunity knocking? An examination of technology-based political skill on opportunity recognition in online communities for MTurk workers00.342022
Contextualizing Self-disclosure to the Online Environment: An Assessment of the Literature.00.342022
Improving The Design Of Information Security Messages By Leveraging The Effects Of Temporal Distance And Argument Nature00.342021
The Role of Basic Human Values in Knowledge Sharing: How Values Shape the Postadoptive Use of Electronic Knowledge Repositories00.342020
The Effects Of Business It Strategic Alignment And It Governance On Firm Performance: A Moderated Polynomial Regression Analysis00.342020
Social Media And Selection: Political Issue Similarity, Liking, And The Moderating Effect Of Social Media Platform20.352020
Can Trust be Trusted in Cybersecurity00.342020
Worker stress in the age of mobile technology: The combined effects of perceived interruption overload and worker control.00.342020
The Effectiveness Of Abstract Versus Concrete Fear Appeals In Information Security20.352020
A Great Escape: The Effect of Negative Public Affiliation on Belongingness to Virtual Communities.00.342020
Blockchain Research in Information Systems: Current Trends and an Inclusive Future Research Agenda.10.352019
Getting Information Systems Programs Classified as STEM: A U.S.-based Perspective from an AIS Task Force Study and Panel Discussion00.342019
Revisiting the Impact of System Use on Task Performance: An Exploitative-Explorative System Use Framework00.342019
The IT Identity Threat: A Conceptual Definition and Operational Measure00.342019
Designing Experimental Studies.00.342019
A Field-Based View on Gender in the Information Systems Discipline: Preliminary Evidence and an Agenda for Change.00.342019
Celebrating HICSS50: The Past, Present, and Future of HICSS00.342018
Lab Experiment and Field Experiment in the Digital Age - Friend or Foe?00.342018
How and why trust matters in post-adoptive usage: The mediating roles of internal and external self-efficacy.40.392018
Turning the Negative Affiliation Around - Looking Glass Self in Online Community Platforms.00.342018
Information Systems Betrayal: When Cybersecurity Systems Shift from Agents of Protection to Agents of Harm.00.342018
Leveraging social media to achieve a community policing agenda.20.372018
The Paradoxical Effects of Blockchain Technology on Social Networking Practices.00.342018
Informing Research: Celebrating 50 Years of Ideas and Science at HICSS00.342018
IS Information Systems a (Social) Science00.342018
Mindfulness in information technology use: definitions, distinctions, and a new measure10.342018
Concentration, Competence, Confidence, and Capture: An Experimental Study of Age, Interruption-based Technostress, and Task Performance10.352018
Signaling your Religion: How Strength of Religious Identity Presentation over Social Media Effects Hireability Assessments.00.342018
ICIS 2017 Panel Report: Break Your Shackles! Emancipating Information Systems from the Tyranny of Peer Review00.342018
Can Political Skill Enhance Business and IT Knowledge?20.362017
Break Your Shackles! Emancipating Information Systems From The Tyranny of Peer Review.00.342017
Blockchain Technology in Business and Information Systems Research.120.802017
Implications of Technological Progress for the Measurement of Technology Acceptance Variables: The Case of Self-efficacy.00.342017
Self-Disclosure and SNS Platforms: The Impact of SNS Transparency.00.342017
Training to Mitigate Phishing Attacks Using Mindfulness Techniques.60.422017
Research Note - Using Expectation Disconfirmation Theory and Polynomial Modeling to Understand Trust in Technology.30.382016
Defending against Spear Phishing: Motivating Users through Fear appeal Manipulations.10.352016
Evaluating Tenure Cases for Scholars Active in Emergent or Non-mainstream IS research topics.00.342016
Job Satisfaction in Agile Development Teams: Agile Development as Work Redesign.130.582016
Habitual and Misplaced Trust: The Role of the Dark Side of Trust Between Individual Users and Cybersecurity Systems.00.342016
Six types of IT-business strategic alignment: an investigation of the constructs and their measurement280.692015
Does Professionalism Matter in the IT Workforce? An Empirical Examination of IT Professionals.20.372015
Contextual Factors in Post-adoption: Applying the Model of Proactive Work Behavior to the Study of End-User innovation00.342015
Interrupting the Workplace: Examining Stressors in an Information Technology Context.120.532015
Taxing the development structure of open source communities: An information processing view.20.382015
Beliefs and Attributions toward Computing Technology: The Moderating Role of Social Cues in Interfaces.00.342015
The Influence of Social Aversion and Institution-Based Trust on Computer Self-Efficacy, Computer Anxiety and Antecedents to IT Use10.352014
Social Media and Emergency Management: Exploring State and Local Tweets60.432014
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