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Multi-Modal Contrastive Pre-training for Recommendation00.342022
Asymmetric Neighboring Context Modeling for Knowledge Graph Embedding00.342022
KnowReQA: A Knowledge-aware Retrieval Question Answering System00.342022
Context-aware restricted Boltzmann machine meets collaborative filtering.00.342020
Dynamic Multi-level Attention Models for Dialogue Response Generation.00.342020
Augmenting Dialogue Response Generation With Unstructured Textual Knowledge.00.342019
Social Factors Analysis for Understanding MOOCs Usage among University Students in China00.342019
A Shallow BERT-CNN Model for Sentiment Analysis on MOOCs Comments.00.342019
A student’s performance prediction method based on neural collaborative filtering00.342019
Multiple Level Hierarchical Network-Based Clause Selection for Emotion Cause Extraction.20.422019
Teenagers need to aware their personal responsibility in internet society - our approach in information entrance course.00.342018
Time Series Model for Predicting Dropout in Massive Open Online Courses.00.342018
Importance-Weighted Distance Aware Stocks Trend Prediction.00.342018
Neural Sentiment Classification with Social Feedback Signals.00.342018
Influencing Factors Analysis for a Social Network Web Based Payment Service in China00.342018
Improving Word Representation with Word Pair Distributional Asymmetry10.432018
Task-technology Fit Aware Expectation-confirmation Model towards Understanding of MOOCs Continued Usage Intention.10.402017
A hierarchical similarity based job recommendation service framework for university students.40.442017
Recovering Individual's Commute Routes Based on Mobile Phone Data.10.352017
Implicit and Explicit Trust in Collaborative Filtering.00.342016
User Occupation Aware Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine Based Recommendation.10.352016
Item Category Aware Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine Based Recommendation.40.382015
Principal Component Analysis Aware BP Neural Network for Personal Information Prediction in Internet Based Services00.342015
Collaborative personal profiling for web service ranking and recommendation160.592015
Social Aware Mobile Payment Service Popularity Analysis: The Case of WeChat Payment in China.20.362015
Multi-faceted Distrust Aware Recommendation.30.412015
Embedding assisted prediction architecture for event trigger identification.70.552015
Structural information aware deep semi-supervised recurrent neural network for sentiment analysis.60.402015
High Dynamic Range Saturation Intelligence Avoidance For Three-Dimensional Shape Measurement00.342015
Influencing Factors Analysis of People's Answering Behaviours on Social Network Based Questions00.342014
Investigating association rules for sentiment classification of Web reviews.40.432014
Improving The Incast Performance Of Datacenter Tcp By Using Rate-Based Congestion Control20.372014
Autoencoder-Based Collaborative Filtering.170.642014
Auto-encoder Based Bagging Architecture for Sentiment Analysis.20.352014
Process Oriented Dependency Modelling for Service Identification.10.362014
Stakeholder Identification And Analysis For Service Lifecycle Management00.342014
News Title Classification with Support from Auxiliary Long Texts.00.342014
Semi-supervised Dual Recurrent Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis20.402013
Tcp Congestion Control For Wireless Datacenters30.432013
Sentiment classification of web review using association rules20.412013
Prioritised Stakeholder Analysis for Software Service Lifecycle Management10.352013
Combination of DM and OBDA for Ontology Generation from Relational Database00.342013
A Text Categorization Method using Extended Vector Space Model by Frequent Term Sets.50.452013
Improving neighborhood based Collaborative Filtering via integrated folksonomy information40.392012
A precise approach to tracking dim-small targets using spectral fingerprint features.00.342012
Improving Matrix Factorization-Based Recommender Via Ensemble Methods60.482011
Incremental Clustering Using Information Bottleneck Theory40.402011
Improving Latent Factor Model Based Collaborative Filtering Via Integrated Folksonomy Factors00.342011
An Improved RFID-Based Locating Algorithm by Eliminating Diversity of Active Tags for Indoor Environment50.462009
Traceable air baggage handling system based on RFID tags in the airport90.752008
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