Key Lab. of Image Processing and Intelligent Control, Department of Control Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
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Improving the Robustness of Human-Machine Interactive Control for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand During Arm Position Changing00.342022
A Multi-Dof Prosthetic Hand Finger Joint Controller For Wearable Semg Sensors By Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Model00.342021
Development Of A Novel Motion Capture And Gait Analysis System For Rat Locomotion00.342021
A Robust Real-Time Detecting and Tracking Framework for Multiple Kinds of Unmarked Object.00.342020
An Ultra-Sensitive Modular Hybrid EMG-FMG Sensor with Floating Electrodes.00.342020
Using High-Frequency Local Field Potentials From Multicortex to Decode Reaching and Grasping Movements in Monkey.00.342019
A Novel Telerehabilitation System Based on Bilateral Upper Limb Exoskeleton Robot00.342019
Multimodal Fusion Transcutaneous Electrical System for Haptic Feedback00.342019
sEMG-Based Hand-Gesture Classification Using a Generative Flow Model.00.342019
An Underactuated Prosthetic Hand with Coupled Metacarpophalangeal Joints.00.342018
A Wearable Finger Exoskeleton Based on the Crank-Rocker Mechanism for Rehabilitation00.342018
Anodic Electrode Displacement Affect the Efficiency of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: a Modeling Study on the Electrode Sizes00.342018
Iterative learning control applied to a hybrid rehabilitation exoskeleton system powered by PAM and FES.00.342017
Dynamic micro-circuit analysis for calcium imaging data10.412017
Modulation Of Upper Limb Locomotor Function Via Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation Of Spinal Cord Nervous System00.342017
A fully implantable wireless neural interface for simultaneous recording from multiple sites of peripheral nerves in free moving animal00.342017
Fusion of HJ1B and ALOS PALSAR data for land cover classification using machine learning methods.10.352016
Design and Evaluation of the RUPERT Wearable Upper Extremity Exoskeleton Robot for Clinical and In-Home Therapies.160.842016
A study of predicting movement intentions in various spatial reaching tasks from M1 neural activities.00.342014
Growth Mechanism of Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons on Slope Substrate00.342014
Cooperation of electrically stimulated muscle and pneumatic muscle to realize RUPERT bi-directional motion for grasping.00.342014
Predicting hand orientation in reach-to-grasp tasks using neural activities from primary motor cortex.00.342014
Effects of peer feedback on contribution: a field experiment in Wikipedia291.022013
Selection of cortical neurons for identifying movement transitions in stand and squat.20.582013
Analyzing Neural Interaction Characteristics in a Monkey's Motor Cortex during Reach-to-Grasp Tasks50.422011
A cyber-physical system based framework for motor rehabilitation after stroke10.362011
Analysis of neural interaction during adaptation of reach-to-grasp task under perturbation with Bayesian networks00.342011
Ensemble fractional sensitivity: a quantitative approach to neuron selection for decoding motor tasks.50.652010
Spiking neural networks for cortical neuronal spike train decoding.40.442010
Sliding mode tracking for actuators comprising pneumatic muscle and torsion spring80.742009
Engineering Neural Interfaces for Rehabilitation of Lower Limb Function in Spinal Cord Injured00.342008
Designing Interactive and Intelligent Control for Rehabilitation Robots00.342008
Virtual Reality Based on Stereotypical RUPERT for Stroke Functional Rehabilitative Training Scenarios00.342007
The design of a real-time, multimodal biofeedback system for stroke patient rehabilitation191.592006
A real-time, multimodal biofeedback system for stroke patient rehabilitation60.642006
A novel model of motor learning capable of developing an optimal movement control law online from scratch70.852004
Probing changes in neural interaction during adaptation.60.802003